Lee Garrett

How to Take a “Time Tour”

Too often, we get caught up in the daily grind of our lives and we forget to take a step back and really examine how we’re spending our time. We go through the motions: ticking things off our to-do lists, taking meetings, going to appointments on our calendar. But we don’t stop to ask ourselves if we’re really making the most of the precious hours we have each day.

That’s where taking a “time tour” comes in.

Episode 462: Inbox Done with Yaro Starak

Yaro is the co-founder of Inbox Done. He shares his insights on why email management and delegation can be a challenge for some people and how to overcome these obstacles and we delve into the various types of clients that Inbox Done serves.

The Benefits of Journaling for Time Management and Productivity

Journaling can offer numerous benefits for your relationship with time and overall productivity. From improved mental clarity and increased creativity to better time management and increased productivity, there are many reasons to start journaling today.