Lee Garrett

Review: Zen And The Art Of Work

Want to feel less overwhelmed and more in control? In this post Productivityist team member Lee Garrett shares a review of Kouroush Dini’s new course titled Zen and The Art of Work.

Using Gaming To Be Productive

What if you could use something you enjoy to be more productive? Whether you love video games or Netflix, here’s how you can enjoy your hobby and boost your productivity.

How to Take OmniFocus to the Next Level

I had the privilege of reviewing Creating Flow with OmniFocus 2 by Kourosh Dini and I took many positive influences from it. In fact, the mainstay of my current setup is down to the advice and recommendations that are laid out in the book.

I’m going to discuss one aspect of my setup which has been heavily influenced by Creating Flow with OmniFocus 2 and that is Dashboard Perspectives

Review – Momentum

I’d played about with habit tracking applications in the past yet never found one that I considered to be sustainable.

Until now that is. I found Momentum

Get Some Pomodoro Power

Are you one of those people who takes a look at the projects you currently have in progress and wonder how on earth you are going to work your way through them? The amount of work that can be completed in that Pomodoro is quite staggering, especially the first time you complete one.

Review – BusyContacts for OS X

They gave us an alternative to the Calendar application with BusyCal, now those talented individuals at BusyMac have only gone and cracked it again with the release of BusyContacts.