Lee Garrett

Review – Mail Pilot 2 for iOS

Mail Pilot has been a popular email management application since it was released as a kickstarter web application in September 2012. It is the brainchild of Alexander Obenauer and Joshua Miles who wanted to find a way of being able to reimagine how email is handled within our modern workflows and uses. It has evolved gradually since then and is now available on all of our Apple devices.

Review: Good Todo

Some people – check that – lots of people, need to be able to pick up a device, regardless of their location and interact with their daily list of tasks. Period. No messing around with various contexts, calculating how long a task will take to complete, playing with defer dates and the like. They also want the ability to be able to add to their to-do list directly from their email as this is where a lot of their actionable tasks originate.

Review – Casual.PM

I know that when I first started out life as a Project Manager, I was desperate to find some software that would make the whole process somehow simpler and allow to me a foster a greater level of control over my responsibilities. Well, Casual.PM is an application that seems to respond well to this need. It’s been designed with one clear word in mind: vision.

Book Review – Creating Flow with OmniFocus (Second Edition)

I used to consider myself reasonably adept when it came to using OmniFocus, a feature-rich to do list and action management application for OS X and iOS, however that opinion was blown out of the water within a few hours of reading this book.

4 Ways To Make Your Mondays Better

Tired of waking up on a Monday morning dreading the day that is to come? Read on for some tips on how to overcome this productivity obstacle.

Review: Contact Center for iOS

Contact Center by Contrast takes the power of Launch Center Pro and simplifies it so that it can be utilised by a wider audience.