Daily Themes

How to “Do” Family Day Better

I suppose having a holiday like Family Day brings greater awareness to the above quote. In the “hecticity” of life, there’s a risk we lose sight of what’s really important – family – no matter how we define it.

I think that’s why I celebrate one family day every single week of the year.

Why Theming My Days has Made Me a Better Dad

Theming my days has provided me with the framework to spend more time with my kids and to be a better dad. Here’s how you can make a few small changes to spend more time with your family.

How to Make Monday Work for You

There are very few things more daunting than Mondays. You’ve just come off of a weekend where you were able to relax and get some much-needed downtime…and now that Monday has arrived all of that is over. Mondays may not be the best day of the week, but they don’t have to be unbearable. It’s