The Mikes Go Nerd Herding

The latest Mikes on Mics podcast dropped yesterday, and it features another great guest in Jean MacDonald from Smile. Smile makes the popular Mac apps TextExpander (the productivity gateway app for many) and PDFPen, among others. (Jean also makes Schechter and I smile with her amazing personality, so there’s that.)

We talk about herding nerds, conference-going, beer, writing repetitive stuff (and why it doesn’t have to be that way), as well as a new (and extremely cool) initiative that Jean has got cooking.

You can listen to Episode 26 here. If you want to make sure don’t miss a single episode, you can subscribe to the Mikes on Mics podcast here via RSS (other subscription options such as iTunes and Instacast are at the Mikes on Mics page over at 70Decibels).

Photo credit: Marc Borg (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)