Mike Vardy


I don’t do new year’s resolutions. I resolve on an ongoing basis. I like being nimble. I enjoy the idea of being able to be resolute on big things throughout the year as opposed to making them all at once — like at the end of a year where all I should be doing (and […]

3 Things for the Next 3 Days

While I often suggest that you shouldn’t start your new year as of January 1st (in fact, I’ve written a book that suggests that you should start it anytime you want), I do think that January is a month where reflection and recharging is in order. With that in mind, here are 3 things a

The 2012 Persons of Internet

Every year since I started this blog, I’ve been naming several people every year as my Persons of Internet. These are people who have made a strong impact on me during the year (Persons of Internet is a play on Person of Interest, after all), and also people who I expect to see and hear

A Different Take on Boxing Day

Today is Boxing Day in Canada. It’s a day where many Canadians hit the malls and box stores searching for bargain prices for the gifts that they either failed to get other in time (read: non-productivityists) or failed to get themselves. I am not likely to take part in the traditional practices of Boxing Day,

A Very Merry Christmas Indeed: The Front Nine is Now Available

Today’s a big day for a lot of people all over the world. This year, however, Christmas is especially big. That’s because today also marks the release date of my first e-book published through a manner other than on my own. Today is the day that my e-book The Front Nine: How to Start the

Take it Slow

This week isn’t your typical week. So take it slow. Still, you might feel the pull of your to-do list. But still…take it slow. The quietude may be unsettling, and leave you jittery. Notice it…but take it slow. Enjoy the downtime. Take it slow. You’ll have time to get up to speed once you’ve taken

How My Minutes Fits Into My Workflow

Ever since I wrote about my workflow apps over at The Next Web, I’ve been working on writing up how I use them here at Productivityist.com. Next up on my list is an app that combines the timing power of 30/30 with the goal tracking elelemtns of Lift (but without the social sharing). My Minutes

A Case for Getting Personal with Productivity

Productivity is a very personal topic for me. At times it has gotten too personal, but that has helped me develop such a close understanding with the art and craft of personal productivity. It’s what has helped me become a productivityist. Task management apps have simply helped me along the way. Now I’ve made no

The Tower, The Village, The Path, and The Way

One of the best books I read this year didn’t cost me a dime. This book is called The Tower, and it’s written by Chris Guillebeau. I think you should pick it up and give it a read yourself so I won’t spoil too much, but I’ll share with you how it impacted me this