Mike Vardy

The Top 10 Opinionated Countdown

I’m embarking on NaNoWriMo and wanted to get ahead on my 50,000 words to start things off. So rather than post some fresh material I thought I’d refresh some older stuff that I rather enjoyed writing here, there and everywhere. It’s my Top 10 Opinionated Countdown…in no particular order. Enjoy. 1. Struggling vs. Smuggling Wherein […]

More Trick Than Treat

Gee…thanks, Google. Why’d you organize my RSS bookshelf while I was busy Halloween-ing? Not cool. This is why I use Reeder.


Have a happy one, folks. It’d be scary if you didn’t.

Tardy with ProductiVardy

It’s been a long time since I produced an episode of ProductiVardy, the podcast adjunct to this site. Far too long. I planned on rectifying this during the last week of October, but that simply didn’t happen. I’m going to be delivering the next episode on Tuesday November 1st. It will feature an interview with

What the #%$! Happened to Lifehacker?

I used to be an avid reader of Lifehacker. Back when Gina Trapani ran things, I got a lot out of the site. In fact, it’d be one of the places that helped get me into this whole productivity racket. That site, along with Merlin Mann’s 43Folders and David Allen’s body of work were the

An Artificial 23 Minutes

I have 23 minutes to write this before my MacBook Air needs to charge. I have 23 minutes to thank my wife for understanding my need to grow a Hodgman-esque moustache during the month of Movember. I have 23 minutes to watch a little bit more pro wrestling history online while giving this entry the

Captain Randy’s Got Me Thinking

October is still here and November is just around the corner. Most of us aren’t thinking much further ahead than the holiday shopping season right now. But Randy Murray over at First Today, Then Tomorrow has a better idea: Start planning for 2012. Now. He’s launched a series of posts designed to get you moving

Impressions: YYJFreelanceCamp

This past weekend I spent my Saturday amongst some of the finest freelancers in Victoria. We were al hanging out at YYJFreelanceCamp. We gathered at InHub, Victoria’s coworking space — which is a centrally-located venue where freelancers can escape their slippers and get some real work done outside of the home. I’m going to start

Keynoting at WordCamp Victoria 2012

Before I spend a post later on wrapping up my impressions of YYJFreelanceCamp, I’ve got a brief announcement to share with you. I’ve been asked to deliver a keynote at WordCamp Victoria 2012. While I’ve spoken at past WordCamp Victoria events (and sat on a panel last year), I’ve yet to keynote one. I’m excited