Mike Vardy

Fit Matters with Moe Carrick

On this episode of the podcast, I talk with Moe Carrick. She is the founder of Moementum Inc., and she loves to help leaders transform themselves and their companies. Her book, Fit Matters: How to Love Your Job, with Maven House Press, was released May 2017. During our discussion we touched on what she calls […]

Meetings and Momentum with Mamie Kanfer Stewart

I welcome Mamie Kanfer Stewart to the show on this episode. She is CEO and founder of Meeteor, a venture that helps teams build their capabilities for effective collaboration and productive meetings. Mamie is driven to help others optimize their time and cultivate their team to achieve results. In this episode we talk about meeting

Standing Up with Rob Jacobs

On this episode of the show, I speak with Rob Jacobs. Rob is a leader in the walking for health movement and the co-founder of Unsit – a company that created the first ever treadmill you can use under your standing desk at work. We talk about why standing simply works when it comes to

Why Reflection is Critical to Your Personal Productivity

Most of us tend to look ahead because that’s the direction we’re moving. But the problem is that if you only look ahead, and don’t take the time to reflect on what led you to this point, then you could wind up going down the wrong path. When that happens, you have to spend time figuring out how you got there, and then try to forge a new path to get to where you want to go, and more.


Integrity Updated: September 29, 2019 15,806 days into my life I’ve decided that this word – integrity – matters above all else. I probably should have figured that out before…or at least made this declaration before. I’m not sure why it took this long to do so, but as I write this, I’m feeling great about putting it

The Art of Taking Action with Gregg Krech

On this episode of the podcast, I welcome Gregg Krech to the program. Gregg is one of the leading experts on Japanese Psychology in the U.S. He is the author of 5 books including The Art of Taking Action: Lessons from Japanese Psychology, which has become an Amazon best seller and offer practical strategies for integrating ideas from Eastern philosophy with contemporary Western living.

This is What You Do

This is What You Do

Spinning your wheels? Feel like you’re not getting the right things done? Well, if you want to be more personally productive then this is what you do.