Mike Vardy

OmniFocus and Other Things with Joe Buhlig

 Joe Buhlig and I sit down this week to talk about an app that he uses extensively: OmniFocus. But we don’t stop there. We talk about a ton of other things, including: Paper-based productivity and where it fits into his workflow The new version of Things by Cultured Code Why you should consider paying for

The Shut Up Strategy

Ready get more work done and to avoid false expectations? The Shut Up Strategy is a great way to do that.

Cause and Connection with James Eder

  On this episode of the podcast, I am joined by James Eder, the founder of a new social app called Causr. James shares insights about connecting with others and the role social interaction plays in our lives. Some of the takeaways from our conversation include: We’re social beings. If we can give people context

Farsighted Focus with Eliot Wagonheim

On this episode of the podcast, I am joined by Eliot Wagonheim, a lawyer and the author of Fire, Aim…Ready: Management. We talk about partnerships, setting boundaries, and even touch on how improvisation can help you in your business. Some of the takeaways from our conversation include: The four key questions you need to ask

What Noticing Does

Whenever I sit down to plan, write, or create anything, I want to put myself in the best position to build something worthwhile. In order to do that, I think about all of the things I’ve been noticing up until that moment. Here’s what this looks like when I’m writing something. First Notice When I

“At Least He’s Consistent”

Seth Godin’s writing isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but at least he’s consistent. And being consistent can really power your personal productivity.

Fearless and Free with Wendy Sachs

This week Emmy-award winning TV news producer, speaker, and author of the book Fearless and Free, Wendy Sachs joins me at the Productivityist Podcast. Wendy has also worked as a Capitol Hill press secretary, public relations executive, CNN contributor, content strategist, and editor-in-chief of Care.com.Tune in as we talk about careers, career change and ways


If you want to move forward then you need to appreciate your near-wins.