Mike Vardy

The Productivityist Podcast: Steve Dotto

On this episode of The Productivityist Podcast I welcome my good friend Steve Dotto to the show. Steve’s made a name for himself on two separate occasions – first as a nationally-recognized television personality in Canada and now as a globally-recognized Internet personality worldwide.

The Productivityist Podcast: Erik Fisher Returns!

On this episode of The Productivityist Podcast, I speak with my good friend Erik Fisher in the second part of a cross-podcast conversation started on his podcast Beyond the To-Do List. We talk about overwhelm, prioritization, what productivity (and other related terms) means to us, and much more.

The Productivityist Podcast: Marina Darlow

On this episode of the podcast, I speak with Marina Darlow. Marina is a systems’ expert, and a productivity geek. She sees her job as helping impact-driven entrepreneurs get 10-20 more productive hours a week, stop leaking money, and prevent stress-fuel breakdowns.

The Productivityist Podcast: Michael Bungay Stanier

On this episode of The Productivityist Podcast I speak with the author of The Coaching Habit, Michael Bungay Stanier. We talk about deep work, simplicity, elegance, the questions you can ask to help you get more out coaching, and much more.