Mike Vardy

How to Stop Time: My Talk at TEDx Victoria

The following is a transcript of the three-minute talk I gave at TEDx Victoria on 11/16/13. I had a great time there, taking in a ton of stellar talks from a variety of great thinkers and “ideationists”. If you were there, thank you for being part of the experience. If you weren’t, hopefully the words […]

Review: The ioSafe N2

Note: ioSafe provided me this unit for review, which included two hard drives. My Drobo is on its last legs. I loved it, but it’s become frustrating to use (it’s a first-generation model, so it’s not exactly its fault). So I needed to look into a new storage solution that would sport some (or all)

A Look at Email: A MacSparky Field Guide

My friend and all-around smart guy David Sparks has released his latest MacSparky Field Guide and its subject is something that is near and dear to my heart: email. As with his prior works, David has put a lot of time, thought, and energy into Email: A MacSparky Field Guide. While it is very Apple-centric,

Workflows: Notetaking/Writing with Write App and nvALT

The following is a guest post by Chris Humphries. Chris is a Digital Media Specialist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He works with students, faculty, and staff to solve media production-related hardware and software problems. He’s passionate about technology, BBQ, and coffee. You can find him on Twitter as @chrishumphr1es, or at his

Getting Into Google

Remember when I wrote an entire series about getting out of Google? Yeah, me too. Now I’m diving in. And I’m diving in deep. I know quite a bit about Mac and iOS stuff, but barely anything about Android. So when Telus sent me a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 to review (which is coming shortly),

The Build A Better Workflow Series: Habits and Routines

During the month of November I’ll be writing a weekly post as part of a series I’m dubbing Build A Better Workflow. The second instalment is focusing on habits and routines and what goes into adopting, fostering, and sticking with or abandoning them. Habits and routines are a means of creating a connection — either

Why I’ve Become Unproductive

As I’m on the road traveling — and still recovering from the launch of The NOW Year — I’ve got another guest post lined up for you today. This one is by Travis Collier. Travis is a Commissioned Officer in the US Coast Guard as well as a consultant–he examines how and why people in

How To Avoid The Bad Meeting Trap

The following is a guest post by Maki Nishiyama. There’s something about the word ‘meeting’ that ignites a particular spark in people. Sometimes the response can be disdain, anxiety and at best, indifference. Funnily enough though, we all know that meetings are a necessary evil. Whether you’re a freelancer or business owner, meetings are crucial

Entering Into The State of Flow

Sam Matla is an ex-productivity blogger, despite still being interested in it. He reads a lot, and also produces electronic music (and teaches it as well) under the alias of Khazm. You can also follow him on Twitter. Flow. We’ve all experienced it before. It’s that feeling you get when you’re so deeply involved in