Mike Vardy

Diving Deeper Into Dropbox: The Ultimate Unofficial Dropbox Guide

I’ve been a Dropbox user for as long as I can remember. The thing is, I feel as if I’ve used it in the same way that I initially used Evernote – by throwing a lot at it and not necessarily organizing it while doing so. I know there’s a lot more Dropbox can do for me and my productivity. It’s time I start to make it happen and The Ultimate Unofficial Dropbox Guide is the key.

Practical Productivity: Personalize Your Own Process

The world of productivity is overflowing with amazing thinkers, innovative methods, and practical software tools. However, I believe the most effective solutions are often developed on a person-by-person basis, with productivity methods that are designed to suit your exact needs.

How Did Ben Franklin and Isaac Newton Accomplish the Work of 10 People? Rigorous Note Taking

Benjamin Franklin was nothing if not diversified in his talents. The Founding Father was a printer, scientist, inventor, diplomat, postmaster general, educator, philosopher, entrepreneur, library curator, and America’s first researcher to win an international scientific reputation for his studies in electrical theory. He even made contributions to knowledge of the Gulf Stream.

How did he do it? By keeping up a highly structured daily schedule and tracking the results.

The Climb: Why I’m Going Beyond Productivity

Whether you’re taking things to the next level at the office through a new initiative you’re in charge of, taking things to the next level by embarking on a new career path, or taking things to the next level by adding to your family or building a relationship with someone new you’re going to be scared. You’re going to have doubts. You’re going to want to turn back – even if only for a second.

But it’s not about what’s on the other side. It’s The Climb.

Outsourcing Services to Virtual Staff: Is It Worth It?

Any business, regardless of size or scale, will benefit from outsourcing services. This is especially true if you own a small business with tight budgets and limited access to capital. As a small business owner, you have to manage your costs in order to keep operations funded. Having tight funds will make it difficult to implement expansion programs. The focus of small business should not just be on cost reduction but on increasing savings as well. The best solution for small business owners is to outsource services to a virtual staff.

Celebrate Tonight To Boost Your Productivity Tomorrow

How can you bring more gratitude to your days on a regular basis? As you probably can guess, I’m going to encourage you to celebrate more. Now the thing is you respond to celebration differently than me, your best friend, and Paul McCartney.

You need to make a celebration plan that brings YOU the most happiness.

Why I Journal (And Why You Should Too)

I journal every single day. Why? There are many reasons, and no matter who you are they can make a big difference in your work and – more importantly – your life.

Why You Need To Take Personal Productivity Personally

Whether you use GTD, Agile, Kanban, the Franklin/Covey Method, Leo Babauta’s Zen To Done, or some other approach to personal productivity — the key is to make sure that the approach allows you to treat everything that you need to do and want to do as personally as possible. By that I mean to treat your tasks with the highest level of attention and intention.