Mike Vardy

How My Mother Helped Shape My Work

My family and I just finished an incredible long weekend, one that was both fun and productive. So as this new week (essentially) begins today, I thought I’d so something a little different today. You see, today is my Mom’s birthday. She’s been a big supporter of me and my work, and I wrote a […]

Two Desks in One: My New Minimal Workspace

I’ve discussed standing desks before, and while I continue to praise the idea of them I have definitely changed how I incorporate one into my workspace. In fact, at the end of last year I went on the lookout for a new workstation that would meet the following criteria: Allow me to stand or sit

Productive Meal Planning with Basil and OmniFocus

As a stay-at-home parent who is tasked with cooking meals regularly, I had been looking for a way to add that aspect of my home life to my regular workflow. I’ve been using Basil for a while to gather recipes, and recently I came up with a way to use Basil in tandem with OmniFocus

How I Use Evernote for Beer Cellaring

Ever since writing became my career, I’ve made efforts to keep it from being my primary hobby. Sure, I still write for fun – making it the second best thing I do with my time (after spending time with my family, of course) – but the idea of expanding my horizons beyond writing for work

A Better Journey to Markdown with David Sparks and Eddie Smith

Those of you who have been following me for a while will remember my Journey to Markdown series, where I decided to finally take the plunge and learn Markdown. While it wasn’t as harrowing a journey as I thought it might be, I definitely would have benefited from the latest MacSparky Field Guide™ simply titled

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Or in this case…about 17000 of them. Yesterday I received 60 copies of my book The Front Nine in print on my doorstep. And while the book has been out since late last year as an e-book, once I picked up the paperback version of the book it felt more…real. If you’ve already ordered a

Low Energy Productivity

I’ve been sick for about a week. Not fun. Still, there’s work to be done. Just because I’m sick doesn’t mean I can’t not keep up with what I have to do – especially since I’m self-employed. So I’d spent much of last week conserving my energy for the bigger aspects of my work (facilitating

Big Week: 70Decibels Acquired by 5by5

This is old news, but it’s still good news… The podcast network that Mikes on Mics is part of, 70Decibels, has been acquired by 5by5. 5by5 is one of the most popular podcasting networks on the planet, and I’m stoked that Michael Schechter and I will be hosting our show on a network that already boasts

How to Deal with the Daylight Savings Time Shift

This coming weekend a great deal of us in North America will “spring forward” thanks to the Daylight Savings Time shift. Many people bemoan the change, saying we need to stick with one set of regular time (Standard Time) or the one we will be switching to, offering several arguments to support their case.1 I