
Don’t Do Anything

We can’t be powered on all the time. Even our computers take breaks — either by sleeping, shifting to screensaver mode or (unfortunately) putting the spinning beach ball or rotating hourglass on display. When our computers do that, we often get frustrated and are anxious while we wait for them to get back to doing […]

Looking at Your To Do List

When you close out one week and head into another, why not start really looking at your to-do list at that time…and I mean really look at it.

I Got Me a Book Deal!

It’s been two months since I announced The Front Nine, and earlier this week I sent off an update that was exclusive to those who subscribed to the eBook’s newsletter. I’m not going to reveal everything that was in that update (otherwise it wouldn’t exactly be exclusive now, would it?), but there is one bit

The Obsession With Oversharing

I’ve talked about selective productivity here before, but lately I’ve been thinking about sharing and how it’s gotten totally out of control. It’s become an obsession. While we were taught that it’s good to share, I think we’re getting to a point where “oversharing” is more the norm. And as a result, much of it

Goodbye Google: The Finale

Today, as Google unleashed Google Drive unto the world,1 I’m wrapping up my Goodbye Google series. To recap, here’s what I’ve covered over the past several weeks: I waded gently into the waters by taking some baby steps away from some of Google’s smaller services. I attempted to leave Gmail in the dust. I tried

Asana + Pop

I wrote about some adjustments I’ve made to my Asana workflow last week, and this week on Mikes on Mics we touched on the app that our guest Patrick Rhone had a hand in, Pop. And while I’ve known how I planned to use Asana from the onset, I wasn’t entirely sure how I’d fit

Why Paper Works

This morning my daughter showed me a paper airplane she had made and then started flinging it around the dining room. It reminded me of the talk I gave at IdeaWave last year called “The Power of Paper”, and it gave me a further reminder of why I love paper so much. Later on, I

Time Chunking

As I continue to work on my book 1 and my other daily responsibilities as a father, husband, editor, podcaster and writer, there’s nothing quite like a bit of a lifestyle shakeup that results in a change of my workflow strategy. Nothing quite like it at all. In recent weeks, I’ve gone from a ton

Adjusting My Asana Workflow

I’ve been using Asana for quite some time now, and with all of the active development it has going on it is reminding me of how Evernote does things. In fact, I’ve been using Evernote more lately as well, meaning that a large chunk of my productivity lives in Asana and Evernote. Evernote is housing