Search Results for: gtd

A Leap Year of Faith: The Mike Vardy Secret Book Project Revealed

We’re wrapping up a day that only appears on the calendar once every four years. It’s a year where we get an extra day tacked on for good measure – scientific measure, I imagine – but what do we do with that extra day? Do we see it as bonus or just see it as […]

The Adaptability of Asana vs. OmniFocus

In my short time with Asana, I’ve already found a few things that it handles better than OmniFocus – and I’m talking beyond the whole team collaboration thing here. It all has to do with adaptability.

Parallel / Series

People seem to avoid productivity systems because they don’t like systems. Because systems generally only work when you make sure that every part of it works. So if you’re “doing GTD”, then you need to do every part of it in order for it to be effective. And for GTD to be truly GTD, that

My New Task Manager of Choice: Asana

I have had a long-standing productivity love affair with OmniFocus. But I’m spurning it for a new (and more suitable) tool: Asana. Yep, I’m removing everything from the app I’ve used for years and investing in one I’ve used for only a few months. Some people have called me crazy to do so, and even

Review: Helvetindex Cards

Anyone who’s been following productivity on the Internet is no stragner to the Hipster PDA. As described on Merlin Mann’s 43Folders, the Hipster PDA is: “…a fully extensible system for coordinating incoming and outgoing data for any aspect of your life and work. It scales brilliantly, degrades gracefully, supports optional categories and “beaming,” and is

How I Use Google+

So I’m facing my fear. I’m getting into Google +. Yep, I’m diving into the water. But let me be clear: I’m diving in after surveying the water first. Now that I know what I plan on doing in the water, I’m ready to jump in and see where it will take me. As part

The Top 10 Opinionated Countdown

I’m embarking on NaNoWriMo and wanted to get ahead on my 50,000 words to start things off. So rather than post some fresh material I thought I’d refresh some older stuff that I rather enjoyed writing here, there and everywhere. It’s my Top 10 Opinionated Countdown…in no particular order. Enjoy. 1. Struggling vs. Smuggling Wherein

What the #%$! Happened to Lifehacker?

I used to be an avid reader of Lifehacker. Back when Gina Trapani ran things, I got a lot out of the site. In fact, it’d be one of the places that helped get me into this whole productivity racket. That site, along with Merlin Mann’s 43Folders and David Allen’s body of work were the

Simply Podtastic: My 2011 Essential Podcast Diet

I tend to listen to a lot of podcasts, borderline on being a bit of a junkie. I listen mainly when I’m unwinding from the day, doing yard work, commuting and doing housework. If I’m not blaring something from my Rdio collection, I’ve got a podcast doing the blaring instead. The problem with a heavy