Chasing Unicorns: How Using Asana Can Keep Teams Motivated


When you attempt to introduce a new system, workflow, or habit in your life often the biggest hurdle is starting and keeping the enthusiasm and momentum strong. I have introduced Asana to many people and after I explain all the benefits of keeping everyone’s actions in one centralised location, collaborating on tasks, sharing the status of projects and reviewing progress towards goals, I bring it back to actually getting tasks completed.

Completing tasks should be a rewarding and, dare I say it, fun experience. They should create a snowball effect, spurring you on to work through and complete even more tasks. Asana does a nice job of this through mythical beasts. Can you imagine completing one of your tasks and getting a solid pat on the back as recognition of your efforts? Or hearing words of encouragement to keep you motivated?

If what you need is that drive to get tasks complete and work through your projects, you better be ready to chase unicorns. Try this:

  1. In Asana click on your name in the lower left corner and select Account Settings.
  2. Click on the “Hacks” tab.
  3. Find the “Celebrations” hack and activate it. You’ll be prompted to reload your browser. Go ahead and do so.

You are now ready to celebrate! Upon completing any task, in any project, in any workspace, you will be greeted with a fantastic unicorn steaming across the screen leaving words of recognition and encouragement in its wake. However, like any magical creature, these unicorns are very shy and will run away and hide again. It’s up to you to find them!

As you work through your tasks the unicorn will keep coming back, showering you with praise!

As silly as this all sounds, the unicorns are a very effective way to introduce Asana to new people or people that are skeptical of structured task management practices. It encourages people to stay involved in projects, keep abreast of updates and, most of all, get their tasks done.

New to Asana? Have you been using it for a while and want to get more out of it? Then purchase the book I co-authored with fellow Asana aficionado Jeremy Roberts called Do Better With Asana. It’s the ultimate Asana resource that features tactics, tips, and tricks that will turn you into an Asana action figure. Buy Do Better with Asana directly here or through Amazon.