Contributing Author

How to Develop Unbreakable Levels of Focus

I’ve never been a highly focused kid. At eight years old, my primary teacher called my mum and asked if I had any diagnose of ADHD. I scored really low in a maths test… because I mistakenly did additions when the exercise asked for subtractions. I was never diagnosed with ADHD, but I surely experienced

The History of the Missing “I”

In his famous theory of education, Isocrates pointed out that we live in a reality too complex to be reduced to a finite set of rules. In order to be effective, a rule should cover a finite number of cases. As the number of cases contemplated increases, its practical effectiveness decreases, becoming a beautiful aphorism of little use. Today, I want to propose the same approach he used with his ancient students, summarized in six simple rules.

How to Unlock Habit-Building Success and Achieve Your Goals

As a former writer of productivity things on the internet, I love a system, especially a simple and catchy one. Early on, until something really becomes a part of my routine, I need a way to lock in and secure the goals. Which brings me to my new metaphor: a combination lock.

Gratitude First: A 30 Day Challenge

Note from Mike: Expressing gratitude can really make a difference in your productivity so rather than speak to it myself, I went to the expert, my good friend Karl Staib. Karl dedicates his attention and focus to helping others display and share gratitude. He is the author of Bring Gratitude and the creator of the 30-Day Bring

How to Get Some Breathing Room

How to Get Some Breathing Room

For me, in this season of life, I’d say that my average day is a mixed bag. While most days are productive on paper, they feel a little bit too busy and a little bit too stressed.

As a small-business owner, sometimes my responsibilities have me pulled in a half-dozen directions. Between all my spinning plates, well, life can feel frazzled at times.

But I’m not alone here, am I? You’re busy, too. We all are.