Contributing Author

The Most Important Trait To Boost Your Productivity

Productivity often focuses on tools such as Evernote and methodologies like Getting Things Done. But once these disciplines and tools are in place, what’s next? The key to advanced productivity lies in the power of learning.

Essentialism: Focus on Fewer Tasks to Get More Work Done

Have you ever felt like you’re just rushing from one task to the next, and you don’t good about the tasks you actually accomplished? Instead of continuing to do things that aren’t working, here is an in-depth guide to the essentialist path. This is the approach how you can get more work done with laser-like focus.

Why I Only Keep 4 Projects In ToDoist

I’m an avid Todoist believer and user. The features of Todoist, the feel of it, the platforms it’s on, and the price of it (free if you want) make it unbeatable for task and project management. Like any other software or app, when I first started using Todoist, I began to explore how to best use it and made it too complicated.