Jim Woods

An Easy Way To Stay Motivated And Productive

We all know about the to-do list. We use it everyday. Sometimes we even obsess over it. We watch the to-do list shrink, and we watch it grow. Well, forget your to-do list for a moment.

Two Ways to Avoid Internet Time Suck and Get More Work Done

You look up at the clock and gaze at the computer screen in disbelief. Where did the time go? There is still work to do. So you work frantically to finish and find yourself displeased with the results. It feels as if you are your own worst enemy, right? Maybe so, but let’s not jump to assumptions; before

3 Ways To Break The Email Habit And Improve Mental Focus

I have a confession to make—I’m a bit of an email addict. I’ve found myself lacking in mental focus and checking my email more and more. Not good. So now instead of being reactive and prioritizing tasks due to email, I am now proactive with my work through Asana.

App Review: SunDo

Wouldn’t it be nice to have an alternative to staring at a text-based application? There is now with SunDo. This app is a simple, beautiful task manager for mobile that is unlike any other.