Mike Vardy

Focus on OmniFocus with OmniFocus Premium Posts

I’m tremendously excited for the opportunity to be part of The OmniFocus Setup at the end of this month in San Francisco – and now that fellow Mikes on Mics co-host Michael Schechter will be in on the proceedings as well, it makes the event all the better. But Schechter isn’t the only recent addition […]

How I Use Notebooks

Despite the fact that I do use several apps in my productivity workflow, I have a tendency to use paper a lot as well. As a matter of fact, paper is often my first method of capture for a variety of reasons, such as: It doesn’t require recharging, so it never runs low on juice.

Achieving Clearance

This week is the first time in a while that I haven’t provided daily posts here. After having a great time at this year’s New Media Expo, I needed to not only recharge the batteries – I needed to achieve clearance. Clearance isn’t the same as clarity. Since I spend January as a month of

Turn Inaction into Action with The Ready Retreat Workbooks

The blog has been dark over the weekend as I traveled and prepared for today’s panel discussion at New Media Expo in Las Vegas. I’m excited to be part of the Productivity Power Panel, featuring Craig Jarrow (Time Management Ninja), Brett Kelly (author of Evernote Essentials), and Leo Widrich (Buffer). Those of you that can’t

Thinking Ahead

I’m watching Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview right now — for the first time. And as I write this he is talking about how the web is going to change things. We’ll be buying things we used to buy in catalogs online instead. He goes on to talk about how the human race builds things

The Apps and Services I Need to Use More in 2013

I’ve tested a lot of apps and services over the past few years, and there are some that I’ve given more attention to than others. Some I’ve given more than a fair chance, and they’ve either become a part of my digital life or they didn’t. Maybe that’d because they didn’t fill a gap or


Today is important. Not because it gives you a chance to get closer to where you want to be tomorrow, but because if gives you a chance to shape a better tomorrow. Today is fresh. It’s a clean slate. A blank piece of paper. What you do with it will determine whether the days to

2013: My Year in Preview

As this piece goes live, some of you around the world will have already finished ringing in the new year while others will be still waiting for it to arrive. Regardless, I wish each and every one of you a happy and prosperous 2013. As I mentioned yesterday, 2012 has been a banner year for

2012: My Year in Review

Last year I offered up a year in review post, and i’m doing it again this year. Only this time I can actually tell you what I did and didn’t accomplish in the year gone by that I’d set out to do – and I can also add to the list what I did accomplish