Mike Vardy

Productivity Small Ball

Why You Should Play Productivity “Small Ball”

During the early part of 2017, I hosted (or co-hosted) a webinar of some sort every week. This wasn’t initially planned. It just happened to take shape. I knew I wanted to do more video work in the months ahead, but I didn’t expect things to start out like that.

But it did.

So I decided to keep at it by playing productivity “small ball.”

Making and Modifying with Justin Jackson

 My guest this week is Justin Jackson. He is a dad, husband, entrepreneur, coach, the founder of Megamaker, author of Jolt, the creator of Marketing for Developers and Tiny Marketing Wins, and overall serial maker. He aims to help people through the things they create. On this episode, we discussed the processes of making and/or modifying.

The Productivityist Podcast: Building an Empire with Stacy Tuschl

 For this episode, my guest is Stacy Tuschl of She’s Building Her Empire. Stacy is a business owner, philanthropist, in-demand speaker and business coach, author, wife, and mother. Her book Is Your Business Worth Saving? is a #1 International Bestseller which helps entrepreneurs to move towards success and do so without sacrificing time away from

The Productivityist Podcast: The Staying Power of Sketchnotes with Deborah LeFrank

 A landscape architect, entrepreneur, graphic journalist and memory collector, Deborah LeFrank uses pens and paper to capture stories from daily life by creating sketch notes or visual stories which help her remember things and memories. I’ve known her for quite some time and I’m a big fan of her work, and she’s my guest for

The Productivityist Podcast: Zen and The Art of Work with Kourosh Dini

My guest for this episode is Kourosh Dini – a psychiatrist, writer, musician, and author. Some of his works include Zen & The Art of Work, Creating Flow with OmniFocus, and Workflow Mastery. I’ve met Kourosh a couple of years ago when we worked together for the OmniFocus set-up. I love his work and have always