On this episode I have the pleasure of speaking with Chris Norton. Chris is a speaker, author, adoptive & foster parent. He suffered a severe spinal cord injury playing college football. However, seven years later joyfully conquered the challenge of walking his wife, Emily, down the aisle of his wedding.
Chris spoke about his journey, chronicled in The Seven Longest Yards, a book he co-wrote with his wife. We also talked about being fathers, what productivity means to him, and so much more. Chris has overcome a lot and yet is incredibly productive and has an inspiring story to share. I’m pleased to be able to bring it to you on this episode of the program.
Talking Points
- Chris shares a bit about who he is and why he no longer plays football
- What did it take for Chris to show resilience in the face of tragedy?
- This is the one thing that helps Chris stay so positive
- Chris tells the story of the first time he tried to take steps since the accident
- What primary lesson does Chris take from his football days that he applies to this day?
- You need to learn how to do this – something that athletes know all too well
- We talk about fatherhood and parenting – something Chris is incredibly passionate about
- Chris shares why it was key for Emily and him to write this book together
- What does productivity mean to Chris?
- Chris has a challenge for you
- We close out the show talking about the idea of regret… and how Chris fights back against the power of regret
- Chris predicts the winner of Super Bowl LIV
“Who needs you to keep going so that they can keep going?“
– Chris Norton
Helpful Links
- The Seven Longest Yards
- Episode 245: What Happy Successful People Do Differently with Marc and Angel Chernoff
- Chris on The Good Life Project with Jonathan Fields
- Episode 269: You Are Awesome with Neil Pasricha
- Episode 241: What Sports Can Teach Us About Greatness with Don Yaeger
- The Front Nine: How to Start the Year You Want Anytime You Want
- ChrisNorton.org
- Chris on Instagram
- The Productivityist Podcast Pick of the Week: Read to Lead
Chris’s story is inspiring to say the least. I’m so honoured that he took the time to come on the show and share his story with me… and with you. There are plenty of lessons to be learned from his experience and how he faced it. I hope you can take any number of them and apply them to your own life.
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