On today’s episode, I spent time with Don Yaeger. Don is an award-winning keynote speaker, business leadership coach, eleven-time New York Times best-selling author, and longtime Associate Editor for Sports Illustrated. He has fashioned a career as one of America’s most provocative thought leaders. As a speaker, he has worked with audiences as diverse as Fortune 500 companies and cancer survivor groups, where he shares his personal story.
Don Yaeger is primarily sought to discuss lessons on achieving greatness, learned from first-hand experiences with some of the greatest sports legends in the world. He is also often retained by companies and organizations to coach their leaders, management teams, and employees on building a culture of greatness by studying great teams in sports and discerning the business lessons we can learn from them.Additionally, as an Executive Coach, Don has worked with a range of leaders from the president of the largest bank in the Caribbean to CEOs of financial services companies to technology executives. His coaching model is based on years of experience and study with those who have inspired championship-level teams.
Throughout his writing career, he has developed a reputation as a world-class storyteller and has been invited as a guest to almost every major talk show – from The Oprah Winfrey Show to Nightline, from CNN to Good Morning America.
Specifics that we covered on the show include:
- On areas that Don wanted to dive more into with his work
- On projects where Don had the “Aha!” moment
- On sports in general
- How to handle adversities
- The importance of having structures and framework
- On Don’s process when crafting a book
- The people that Don look up to
- On Don’s daily routine
- Lessons that Don wanted to pass on to his kids
- On establishing good habits and breaking bad habits
- On sport metaphors or sports analogies
- Three books that Don would recommend people
“Most of us do our jobs and we don’t think about how the access or the opportunity created for us could be part of our own personal development and I made it part of mine early. And I started asking that question. And the question I choose is ‘If you could name for me one habit, one thing you’ve done consistently, that allowed you to go places your competitors couldn’t go, what would that habit be?’ and I just kept a list of the answers these great winners has given me.” ~ Don Yaeger
Relevant Links
- Website
- YouTube
- Book: A Game Plan for Life: The Power of Mentoring
This episode lets us know how to achieve success without sacrificing principles and how to build one of the most productive and rewarding relationships available to any athlete, businessperson, teacher, or parent-that of mentor and protégé.
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