Intention and Attention|Articles

My Three Words for 2016

Over the past few years, I quit making New Year’s resolutions. Instead, I’ve taken to choosing three words as guiding principles for my year. (A grateful nod to Chris Brogan who pioneered this concept.) I find that when I focus on three target words, I have a more fulfilling and successful work and home life.

Be More Productive With JUST A Pen And Paper

After I wrote this post about how notecards helped me write a book, I began to wonder what other tactile tools I have missed. Was there something else that might work better than the many–and I do mean many–different apps I have used?

Win On The Weekends By Losing Football

  Recently, Mike wrote a post titled Throw The Deep Ball where he wrote about the forward pass and how sometimes we need to take risks and go for big gains rather than small improvements. That works well for Mike, but I wanted to switch to the other side of the ball and tell you

Ancient Productivity Advice That Is Relevant Today (Part I)

“It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it.” – Seneca It’s easy to think that productivity advice is a new concept, but it’s not. Seneca, a Roman author and philosopher wrote advice to his peers 2,000 years ago. His suggestions are still valuable today.