
Cyber Monday Madness: The 2011 Only72 Event

UPDATE: The Only72 event for 2011 is now over. See you next year. For those of you who’ve been reading for some time, you know that I’m a big fan of the World Domination Summit — and those whom I’ve met as a result of going to said summit. That said, I’m not usually a […]

Happy Thanksgiving, America

While I said I‘d not post so much in terms of imagery and videos here anymore, when it comes to holiday messages I think I’ll make an exception. As a result, this is now a post that contains over a thousand words. Happy Thanksgiving to my neighbours to the south.

On Podcasting: Tools, Workflow and Resources

Tonight I sat on a panel that discussed podcasting at my local Social Media Club chapter, and had a great time. Along with John Overall and Mike & Cheryl DeWolfe, we offered up tips, tricks, tools and some “how to” material for those in attendance. One of the takeaways for me: Podcasting sounds harder than

NaNoWriMo: The First Chapter

The following is the first chapter from my NaNoWriMo book, tentatively called Two-Timed Out. It’s the first work of fiction I’ve done in a long time1 , and it feels good to get it out of my head and into the world. This is the first 2,000 words; I’m sitting at just under 37,000 words

On TEDxVictoria 2011

I had the opportunity to go to TEDxVictoria today. While I couldn’t stay for its entirety, what I was able to be part of was yet another tremendous TEDx experience. Held in the spacious Victoria Conference Centre, the event was a top-notch one that was organized by an equally top-notch team of committed volunteers (some

Talking is Dead 32: Pregnant Pause

Here’s some of what was said during the opening moments of this week’s Talking is Dead podcast: Me: I just wanted a bit of a break from some of my stuff so I could figure out what “some of the stuff” I didn’t want to do anymore. And I figured it out, you know, and

Review: Maruman Mnemosyne Special Memo Notepad

After proudly displaying my setup a while back, I wound up striking up an online conversation with Brad over at JetPens. Seeing that I’m a bit of a pen/pencil/paper junkie, he sent me some stuff to play with — and play with them I did.1 The first item I’m going to offer up for review is

Dyscultured 160: My Spectrum is THIS Big!!!

I made my return to Dyscultured this week. And I’m glad I’m back with the gang. Below is a sample of the words that came out of our mouths during the episode: “How did you guys get hired? Whose *EXPLETIVE REDACTED* cousin are you?” – Shane on RIM’s 2012 BlackBerry smartphones. “They’ve tried to make

How I Use Google+

So I’m facing my fear. I’m getting into Google +. Yep, I’m diving into the water. But let me be clear: I’m diving in after surveying the water first. Now that I know what I plan on doing in the water, I’m ready to jump in and see where it will take me. As part