
Tallking is Dead: Nicknames, Concerts and Twitter Whores

Talking is Dead is the podcast where I get to simply go off about anything. I’m not tied to any topic or meme whatsoever, and by the good graces of my co-host Anthony Marco, he lets me wax poetic idiotic as I see fit. Sometimes he even gets to talk. Earlier this week, Anth and […]

Productivity: A Writer’s True Currency?

As I begin working on my own book (which will take on a much different tone than the e-books I released earlier this year), I came across this video featuring author Walter Mosley. Seems as if I’ve got a whole lot of writing to do. (via Big Think)

Dyscultured: Jobs, Jack and HP

This was the first time in too long that I was around for the entire show — and, boy, was there a ton to talk about.1 We talked about Steve Jobs stepping down as CEO (we did the show on the day it happened), the death of NDP federal leader Jack Layton and another death

Where Reading Has Gone

I was doing some Internet stuff earlier and realized that I had yet to read my RSS feeds for the day. So I put away my MacBook Air, picked up my iPad, and launched Reeder.

Bowler Nails It

Chris Bowler put up a couple of stellar posts this week that I’d be remiss in not mentioning here. Work to Live offers his thoughts regarding the departure of Steve Jobs as Apple CEO. Really insightful piece that deserves contemplation by so many of us who really love what we do…and sometimes lose sight of

Keynoting at Freelance Camp Vancouver

I’m looking forward to delivering a keynote at Freelance Camp Vancouver on Saturday September 10. My keynote is entitled The Productivity Diet: Putting Freedom into Your Freelancing.

ProductiVardy 003: Ever Mac, Evernote and Brett Kelly

This week on my new-ish podcast, ProductiVardy, I discussed my latest addition to our Apple household, offer up a trick I use to help search through Evernote in the Practical Practices segment, and have a great chat with the author of the ultimate guide to Evernote, Evernote Essentials, fellow productivity personality and fine Internet friend,

Decluttering iStuff: Mac Writing Applications

It’s fitting that this is the first week I begin culling the underused applications from my Mac, seeing as I’ve just acquired a shiny new 11-inch MacBook Air. My old machine (2007 model 15-inch MacBook Pro) was equipped with a 320 GB hard drive. Even by going for the higher end stock unit, my new notebook

You Gotta Listen

While I have delivered my essential podcast subscriptions here recently, this week I’d be remiss if I didn’t recommend some one-off episodes that “you gotta listen” to1: Back to Work: Rob Corddry and Jonathan Coulton With Dan Benjamin on parental sabbatical, Merlin Mann has brought in a couple of linchpins to chat with in Childrens