
Why Everyone Should Spend Time at a College Radio Station

As I listen to the entire catalogue of They Might Be Giants, I get nostalgic for my days working in college (or in my case, campus, radio). I’m not saying that I hadn’t heard of TMBG beforehand, but they and many other artists wouldn’t have met my ears on such a regular basis — if […]

JoCo: A Thank You Letter to Jonathan Coulton

On my blogroll page, I mention several people who have had a positive impact on me over the past few years. I say this about Jonathan Coulton: Then, there’s Jonathan Coulton. He is a truly inspiring guy who responded to a letter I wrote to him when I was thinking “career shift” back in my Costco

The 2010 Persons of Internet

Now…here’s the list of those who (in no particular order) have inspired me, helped me, had a meaningful discussion with me either on or offline, had beers with me1 or just simply makes awesome stuff time and time again. Here are the Persons of Internet for 2010. Brett Kelly has a great site called Bridging the Nerd

Me 2.0

I think it might be time to do things a little bit differently around here. My web presence has gradually increased over the past few years, thanks largely to finding a great niche to blog about and throwing in a little bit of good fortune to boot. Up until today, my old personal website has

Being Okay With Your Inboxes

Episode 59 of Beyond The To-Do List (hosted by my buddy Erik Fisher, author of the recently redesigned book Ready, Aim, Fire: A Practical Guide To Setting And Achieving Goals ebook) features a return appearance of Merlin Mann. Merlin talks about a wide variety of things, but the part that hooked me from the onset

Review: HAND Stylus

I’ll be up front about this: I’ve never really used a stylus with my iPad all that much. I own a Studio Neat Cosmonaut, and it has largely sat unused after the initial excitement of having it wore off (it’s a great product, just not my style – pun intended). I won a stylus at

Designs on Life

I’ve heard many people say that life is meant to be lived, and I completely agree with that notion. Heck, it’s why I do what I do now instead of doing what I’ve done in the past. But after reading the first bit of Nick Wynja’s new book, Coffee Shop Contemplations, I think I’ve found

The Productivityist OmniFocus Themes

While I’ve never used anything but the stock OmniFocus theme before, my pal CM Smith (who helped me shape the look of this site) was inspired to put together some custom themes on the heels of the news that I’ll be sitting on The OmniFocus Setup panel in late January during MacWorld|iWorld. He created both

On Turning Pro

I was going to write a post here today, but after spending the better part of my train ride to Portland reding Steven Pressfield’s Turning Pro: Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life’s Work1, I decided to get back to my book instead. It’s an excellent read, and it is a fairly short one.