
The One Degree Difference

I had eye surgery only days before writing this piece. It wasn’t a laser surgery designed to improve my eyesight, like so many of these surgeries are. Instead it was a surgery designed to prevent me from making my eyesight worse. (If you want to know more about the type of laser surgery I had […]

How to Wake Up a Sleepwalking Mind

  Spoiler Alert: This is not a piece about meditation. The framing I am thinking about when I use the term “sleepwalking mind” is the idea that a mind that is walking in its sleep is less likely to make great gains. It’ll go through the motions, fiddling away on tasks that can be done

The Potential of a Fresh Start

There’s something about starting something with a clean slate. The ability to have a fresh start shows up more often than we realize each day. When we wake up in the morning, that’s a fresh start. When we come back from any sort of break in our workday, we’re offered a fresh start. When we

Gratitude First: A 30 Day Challenge

Note from Mike: Expressing gratitude can really make a difference in your productivity so rather than speak to it myself, I went to the expert, my good friend Karl Staib. Karl dedicates his attention and focus to helping others display and share gratitude. He is the author of Bring Gratitude and the creator of the 30-Day Bring

Gratitude Journal

The Idea of Doing More vs. Doing Better

One thing that always comes to mind during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is the idea of doing more vs. doing better. It’s at that time of year that I have the opportunity to really look at what I’ve done over the past several months and what I look to do in

The One Meeting I Make Time for No Matter What

My wife and I have a lot going on. We work together on this business of mine, and Anne has her own business dealings as well. We also have two kids, so we have other people in our household that require our time, attention, and focus. As our kids have gotten older, their needs have

Your Email App is Not Your To Do List

Using your email inbox as your to do list? In today’s post, Mike shares why this isn’t a good idea as well as how to start using a better approach.