
How to Get Some Breathing Room

How to Get Some Breathing Room

For me, in this season of life, I’d say that my average day is a mixed bag. While most days are productive on paper, they feel a little bit too busy and a little bit too stressed.

As a small-business owner, sometimes my responsibilities have me pulled in a half-dozen directions. Between all my spinning plates, well, life can feel frazzled at times.

But I’m not alone here, am I? You’re busy, too. We all are.

How To Be Productive When You're Sick and Tired_banner

How to Be Productive When You’re Sick and Tired

We can’t be running at 100 percent for 100 percent of the time. We need time to rest, recuperate, and recharge.

There will be days when we feel under the weather (or worse). There will be days when we are wiped out from what the world has presented to us. We still have to show up, and, as Steven Pressfield says, “Do the work.” My aim with this piece is to share with you the simple strategy I’ve used (and still use) to stay productive when I’m sick and tired.

The Shut Up Strategy

Ready get more work done and to avoid false expectations? The Shut Up Strategy is a great way to do that.

The Three Day Productivity Retreat Everyone Needs

Today’s guest post is by Ryan McRae. Ryan is the creator of the blog, The ADHD NERD, a blog dedicated to helping people be more productive, successful and happy especially if they have ADHD. I recently took a three-day productivity retreat—I noticed that I was falling behind on projects, freelance work, and my own writing and

What Noticing Does

Whenever I sit down to plan, write, or create anything, I want to put myself in the best position to build something worthwhile. In order to do that, I think about all of the things I’ve been noticing up until that moment. Here’s what this looks like when I’m writing something. First Notice When I

“At Least He’s Consistent”

Seth Godin’s writing isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but at least he’s consistent. And being consistent can really power your personal productivity.