
3 Places You Can Look At To Make Forward Progress Faster (and Better)

The City of Victoria recently added a dedicated bike lane on one of its streets. I’m not talking about a simple dividing line, either. They put in medians to separate the lane from motor vehicle traffic and several other features to make these new lanes (and altered infrastructure) as noticeable as possible. I hadn’t driven

What I Learned from “Dining” with David Sedaris

Recently, I stood in line for well over an hour to speak with David Sedaris. He had just finished doing a reading from his forthcoming book. My friend Terri and I decided we wanted to get our books signed before we called it a night. David was gracious with the lengthy lineup as he stuck

An Easy Way To Stay Motivated And Productive

We all know about the to-do list. We use it everyday. Sometimes we even obsess over it. We watch the to-do list shrink, and we watch it grow. Well, forget your to-do list for a moment.