
How to Start and Keep a Journal in Evernote

One of the best things you can do to clear your head and to improve your level of self-awareness is to journal. There is nothing quite like being able to empty out your thoughts in a place that is for you and you alone. Journaling allows you to reflect and then adjust your plan for tomorrow and beyond.

Seeing Through The Fog

Not sure what to do next? Here’s how you can leverage that moment into making you more productive.

My Three Words for 2016

Over the past few years, I quit making New Year’s resolutions. Instead, I’ve taken to choosing three words as guiding principles for my year. (A grateful nod to Chris Brogan who pioneered this concept.) I find that when I focus on three target words, I have a more fulfilling and successful work and home life.

A New Year Plan for Busy People

You can create a simple plan for your new year that allows you to look beyond a vague (and often demanding) resolution. It’s time to give your intentions for the months ahead the attention they deserve. All it takes is blocking out 25 minutes of time over a 10 day period to build a solid framework for your year. And here’s how you can do it.

The One Thing I Started Scheduling On My Calendar

While I don’t advocate scheduling everything on your calendar, I have started to schedule ONE Thing on my calendar on a regular basis. I’ve started to schedule The ONE Thing on my calendar.