
The Time We Have

I “see” time almost everywhere.

That means I can tell you how time can be leveraged. I can suggest what systems will help you handle your tasks (and time) in a productive manner. I can even recognize when time takes precedence over all other things – including the tasks on your to do list.

Yet I can’t tell, suggest, or recognize you how much time you have. Not in this moment…and not in this lifetime.

The Most Important Trait To Boost Your Productivity

Productivity often focuses on tools such as Evernote and methodologies like Getting Things Done. But once these disciplines and tools are in place, what’s next? The key to advanced productivity lies in the power of learning.

Happy New Year: Why Labour Day Has Become My New Year’s Day

Back when I wrote The Front Nine, I explained that I started my new year in February. Actually, the specific date was February 2nd: Groundhog Day. Why? Because – as a nod to the Bill Murray movie Groundhog Day – I didn’t want my new year to be a rehash of the previous year. I took January as a time to reflect and recharge, and then hit the ground running once February 2nd arrived.

But this year, I decided to make a change. Now I’m starting my new year on Labour Day.

How We Use Slack

Slack has not only improved the flow of communication throughout the team, it has also improved our overall productivity as well. Slack allows us to focus on using email for other areas of our work. It has also given us one place to look when we need to locate something for our team. Slack has been a game changer for us.

Essentialism: Focus on Fewer Tasks to Get More Work Done

Have you ever felt like you’re just rushing from one task to the next, and you don’t good about the tasks you actually accomplished? Instead of continuing to do things that aren’t working, here is an in-depth guide to the essentialist path. This is the approach how you can get more work done with laser-like focus.

Be More Productive With JUST A Pen And Paper

After I wrote this post about how notecards helped me write a book, I began to wonder what other tactile tools I have missed. Was there something else that might work better than the many–and I do mean many–different apps I have used?