Good Health and Productivity Go Together
The most productive thing I do each day has nothing to do with apps or inbox zero. The secret to my productivity is living a healthy lifestyle.
The most productive thing I do each day has nothing to do with apps or inbox zero. The secret to my productivity is living a healthy lifestyle.
Apple’s Yosemite operating system gives users new ways to be more productive. Here are a few that can help you get more work done.
I recently broke my iPhone but my productivity surged. How can you do the same thing without breaking your iPhone? Here are some practical tips you can use.
Over the summer, my to do list grew exponentially. I expected a break but never really got one. I felt frazzled part of the time and completely wiped out the rest of the time. As a result, I was cranky and short with people, which is really out of character for me. My sleep patterns were all over the place and I wasn’t able to move forward with as much drive and focus as I was accustomed to.
Brett Kelly’s introductory tips for OmniFocus are presented in his own, unique and inimitable way with a blend of humour and practical application.
As a work-from-home dad, I try my best to be as productive as possible and this shift in schedules can be challenging. So far, one thing has really worked well for me: time tracking.
I “see” time almost everywhere.
That means I can tell you how time can be leveraged. I can suggest what systems will help you handle your tasks (and time) in a productive manner. I can even recognize when time takes precedence over all other things – including the tasks on your to do list.
Yet I can’t tell, suggest, or recognize you how much time you have. Not in this moment…and not in this lifetime.
Google Calendar can boost your productivity like no other to do list app. Here is a brief summary of how to use it so you can accomplish more tasks today.
Productivity often focuses on tools such as Evernote and methodologies like Getting Things Done. But once these disciplines and tools are in place, what’s next? The key to advanced productivity lies in the power of learning.
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