
How To Use Multiple Task Managers

While it is ideal to have one task management solution on an ongoing basis, for some of us that just isn’t a reality.

Maybe it’s because you have to use a specific app for work and you don’t want to use it for activities outside of work. Perhaps others on your team use different tools that you don’t want to use. Maybe the tool you use doesn’t allow for collaborative task management but has an outstanding feature set that is very tough to beat – such as OmniFocus. Just because you have to have to look for tasks in multiple places doesn’t mean that you can’t be organized about it.

5 Ways I Read More Than 50 Books Last Year

Everyone wants to read more books, but we don’t spend the time required to do so. Reading is difficult in an environment based on feed refreshes and new blog posts. It’s a noisy world, and reading just doesn’t fit in that well. Or does it? In many ways, reading is like a home-cooked meal compared

Win On The Weekends By Losing Football

  Recently, Mike wrote a post titled Throw The Deep Ball where he wrote about the forward pass and how sometimes we need to take risks and go for big gains rather than small improvements. That works well for Mike, but I wanted to switch to the other side of the ball and tell you

A Look At 3 Great Alternatives To IQTell

If you are using IQTell (or were considering it) here are 3 of the best options I’ve found that can be used as alternatives. None of them will have everything that IQTell offered – and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing – but these options have the ability to scale as well as IQTell did and maintain some of that simplicity that IQTell management itself conceded that their solution did not offer.

How to Take OmniFocus to the Next Level

I had the privilege of reviewing Creating Flow with OmniFocus 2 by Kourosh Dini and I took many positive influences from it. In fact, the mainstay of my current setup is down to the advice and recommendations that are laid out in the book.

I’m going to discuss one aspect of my setup which has been heavily influenced by Creating Flow with OmniFocus 2 and that is Dashboard Perspectives

Throw The Deep Ball

The forward pass can be risky, especially the farther down the field it is flung. There is more time for the defense to adjust. The quarterback’s accuracy can be compromised the deeper he throws it. The chance of something going wrong is greater because the difference between where the ball was and where it is set to be is greater.

But sometimes, in order to catch the defense off guard or because they’ve played the run, you have to throw the deep ball…despite all of the risks involved.

Life is no different.

6 Clear Habits from 160 Creative Heroes

  Did you know Nikola Tesla drew his blinds so he could work in the dark? Or that Andy Warhol carried art to give to fans he might meet on the street? Those stories are from Mason Currey’s book, Daily Rituals in which Curry has compiled the daily routines from some of history’s greatest creatives.

Review – Momentum

I’d played about with habit tracking applications in the past yet never found one that I considered to be sustainable.

Until now that is. I found Momentum

Ancient Productivity Advice That’s Relevant Today (Part II)

If a local pizza place has been around for twenty years, it can’t be bad pizza. If advice has been around for 2000 years, it can’t be bad advice. Here are four more suggestions from Roman author and philosopher, Seneca. (In case you missed part one it’s here.) 1. Don’t be expectant “The greatest obstacle to