
Ancient Productivity Advice That Is Relevant Today (Part I)

“It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it.” – Seneca It’s easy to think that productivity advice is a new concept, but it’s not. Seneca, a Roman author and philosopher wrote advice to his peers 2,000 years ago. His suggestions are still valuable today.

Why I Only Keep 4 Projects In ToDoist

I’m an avid Todoist believer and user. The features of Todoist, the feel of it, the platforms it’s on, and the price of it (free if you want) make it unbeatable for task and project management. Like any other software or app, when I first started using Todoist, I began to explore how to best use it and made it too complicated.

A Look Back At The 2015 World Domination Summit

The World Domination Summit provides me a respite from the day to day, gives me some time to really be alone in my own thoughts when I want to be, and galvanizes me for the months to come. WDS isn’t just my recharge. It’s my reset.

The Psychology of Procrastination and How to Avoid It

Paul is a productivity blogger who loves helping people improve their productivity so they can get more out of life. Learn more about how Paul works by checking out his free 7-Day Productivity Plan. Do you ever suffer with procrastination? You know what you need to do, but actually starting that thing is tough, right?

Two Ways to Avoid Internet Time Suck and Get More Work Done

You look up at the clock and gaze at the computer screen in disbelief. Where did the time go? There is still work to do. So you work frantically to finish and find yourself displeased with the results. It feels as if you are your own worst enemy, right? Maybe so, but let’s not jump to assumptions; before

Five Proven Ways To Have a Better Work Day

  The great places to work are rare. There’s only so many places that put in ping pong tables, cater lunch, and install meditative egg chairs. But hope is not lost. Rather than going to work someplace great, you can bring the qualities of a great workplace to you. Ron Friedman is a researcher and

Gmail Productivity

4 Ways to Boost Your Gmail Productivity for Good

According to Radicati Group, the volume for both sent and received email messages on a daily basis is estimated to be over 205 billion in 2015. The pace isn’t slowing down, either; the projected amount for the year 2019 is over 246 billion messages daily.

Considering that the total number of messages is constantly growing (which is probably going to happen in your case, too), some practical advice is needed to handle all the emails that are waiting for you.

The Zoomout Chart: How to Stay Present and Motivated

The Zoomout Chart is a reminder board you can either print and display on your desk or simply have as an open document on your computer. I personally use it by setting it as my home screen on my computer browser, so I see it every time I open a new browser tab.