
Why I’m Not Getting An Apple Watch

With the Apple Watch hitting the market, you’d think that someone involved with productivity – or, more specifically, time management – would be chomping at the bit to pick one up. But I’m not getting an Apple Watch anytime soon. In fact, I’m not getting a smart watch of any kind in the near future, despite the fact that I do write and speak a lot about time.

To Produce, Consume, or Just Leave My Phone in My Pocket

At the start of his podcast, Tim Ferriss’s introduction mix goes like this, “optimal mental performance…at this altitude I can run flat out for a half mile before my hands start shaking.”  Then Tim goes on to have a one-of-a-kind interview with a one-of-a-kind person. Even if you aren’t a fan of Ferriss’s approach and

Measuring The Right Things

It’s been said that you can’t manage what you don’t measure. But how do you make sure you’re measuring the right things?

Start From The Edges

In order to fit your workflow (or work style) into whatever it is you’re trying to do – whether it be for an organization, your own company, or even for your family, you’d be better served to put the edge pieces in place first. They’ll give you that framework you’ll need to put things together faster and better.

Mind The Gap: 2 Ways To Find The Holes In Your Productivity

Whenever you’re starting something new – no matter what it is – if you want to get better at it then it’s important to see the gaps. You need to first recognize where the holes are in your game and then do what you can to fill them. Whether you fill those gaps up with new approaches, tools that can handle them, or bridging them with existing approaches and tools, you need to fill them in order to improve. And your productivity is no different.

Book Review: How To Invest Your Time Like Money

Elizabeth Grace Saunders has written a time management book that values your time. Time management may be the wrong category for what this is. It’s more like strategic time investment – hence the title.

Get Some Pomodoro Power

Are you one of those people who takes a look at the projects you currently have in progress and wonder how on earth you are going to work your way through them? The amount of work that can be completed in that Pomodoro is quite staggering, especially the first time you complete one.