
Book Review: Everything Bad Is Good For You

A great thing about reading books is finding smart people. I first realized this reading Malcolm Gladwell a decade ago and thinking “Wow, this guy is really smart,” and the same thing when I finished Steven Johnson’s Everything Bad is Good For You. The conclusion of this book is that your vice, while not nice, may not be so bad. A secondary takeaway is to think about reframed, redefined, and updated views and when we do this we can see where things are going rather than where they’ve been.

Why I’m Passionate About Personal Productivity

Personal productivity may seem like a dry area of interest to most, but I’m truly passionate about what it holds. And I’d like to explain why because it holds more than you think it does. Personal productivity goes beyond getting things done. It can help you shape and craft the life you really want.

Review: Shifts for iOS

If you’ve ever put your work calendar into your Google Calendar (or equivalent) and you are an iPhone user then Shifts is an app that will allow you to “shift” away from that and enter your work schedule into it instead. Seem redundant or solving a problem that doesn’t need solving? Think again.

The Cookie Method of Productivity

Keeping track of everything that might make you more productive can be unending. Add this but not that? Is the newest app the best tool? An easier question to answer is what isn’t making me productive. What can I remove that will have a positive effect. Drawing in research in psychology, we have a few answers.

Book Review – Creating Flow with OmniFocus (Second Edition)

I used to consider myself reasonably adept when it came to using OmniFocus, a feature-rich to do list and action management application for OS X and iOS, however that opinion was blown out of the water within a few hours of reading this book.

Three Uncommon Hacks For Better Team Productivity

Bench was built from the desire to help people outsource and automate a commonly tedious task (bookkeeping), so naturally we’re big fans of productivity. If there’s a way for us to be more productive as a team, we’re all for it.

Book Review: Switch

Until now I had never read the Heath brothers, which is a shame. Their books are good. Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard is a mix of business experience, academic research, and productivity tools that anyone can apply.

App Review: SunDo

Wouldn’t it be nice to have an alternative to staring at a text-based application? There is now with SunDo. This app is a simple, beautiful task manager for mobile that is unlike any other.

How To Do A Year in Preview In 3 Steps

While the weeks that surround Christmas and New Year’s tend to be the time to take stock of the year gone by, it’s also important review regularly throughout the year. The same goes for looking ahead. Priorities need to adjust, new opportunities can arise, and courses need to be corrected. Plans will change as the months go by, but in order to adjust accordingly you should have a larger scale plan to start off with. That’s why doing a Year in Preview is so important. It helps you craft a plan that you can use as a roadmap for the weeks and months to come.