
App Review: Reflect

A great thing about Evernote is that it keeps everything organized for me. The bad thing about Evernote is that it’s like my junk drawer – stuff is in there, if only I can find it. Enter Reflect.

My Three Words For 2015

As we kick off the 2015 calendar year, I’m not just looking back at the twelve months gone by but the twelve ahead. I’m not a big proponent of New Year’s Resolutions, but I have taken to choosing some trigger words to help me propel the year to come to great heights.

4 Ways To Make Your Mondays Better

Tired of waking up on a Monday morning dreading the day that is to come? Read on for some tips on how to overcome this productivity obstacle.

The Priority

Now is one of the best times of the year to decide on your priorities for the future. And then focus on just one priority…and make it happen.

Review: Contact Center for iOS

Contact Center by Contrast takes the power of Launch Center Pro and simplifies it so that it can be utilised by a wider audience.