
Productivityist 2.0: The Next Level

Ever since I launched Productivityist, growth has been consistent but between October 2013 and today the growth has been more than consistent – it’s been tremendous. As a result, the realization that change needed to occur rose to the forefront. And that was because of one simple and undeniable fact: Productivityist has become bigger than me.

The Art of Rapid Presentation Creation

The following is a guest post by Ryan McRae. Ryan is the founder of, a blog dedicated to creating courageous presenters. He has spoken all over the world, including Afghanistan. He is an Apple fanatic, voracious reader and lover of things pumpkin flavored. He can be reached at The task of giving a

The State of Done

“I’m done.” These should be the most satisfying words you say upon the completion of the project. Whether that project is something that you dreaded working on and trudged through over many months or whether it was something that you review the focused on and enjoy doing over an extended period time, being done is

Failing Forward: A 5 Step Process to Fight the Fear of Failure

The following is a post by Lee Garrett. Lee is an IT Consultant and Productivity Coach in the UK with a passion for training and helping others. You can read more of his work at SoliamSays and follow him on Twitter. As readers of my personal blog will know, I tend to write from the

The 2014 Productivityist Holiday Gift Guide

For the past two years, Productivityist has published an annual gift guide that features gifts that won’t just help the “productivityist” get more of the right things done, but they’ll have some tools that they can use that will make the process all the more enjoyable. There are a lot of gift ideas to cover

The 1Password Emergency Kit: Version 3.0

It’s been a while since I updated The 1Password Emergency Kit I created a couple of years ago. I’ve had various versions and adjustments sent my way over the past couple of years, and even created a second iteration last year. But Charles Hamons has taken it to a whole new level with this new

Contextually Speaking

I’ve been writing a lot about contexts over the years here at Productivityist. Here’s a small sampling of articles that either revolves around the idea of contexts or focus on how they can help you with your productivity levels: The Evolution of Contexts Using Energy Levels as Contexts How to Beat Task Paralysis Being Mindful

How I Went from Mad to Motivated (and Got Writing Done)

Before I wrote this post, I had no idea what I was going to write about. This isn’t the first time that’s happened, nor will it be the last, but the fact is I have a ton of ideas and things I could write about.

I could have written about the latest iOS and how its release can help you be more productive. But I found reasons not to do that, seeing as that has been covered in so many other places on the Internet. I could have expanded on the idea of “versioning” some more. I could have written about a lot of things. So what did I do instead of writing about any of those things?

I “productively procrastinated.”

Do You Really Need That App?

There are no shortage of apps out there – and that can be a problem. That’s because for every new app that comes out, one has the potential to usurp an app that we already own and use. Every time we add a new app to our devices, we need to spend time learning how