
What’s The Next Horizon?

We all get stuck. Sometimes using apps like Unstuck help this “state of stuck” last only for a short while. Sometimes meditation and exercise works. Sometimes asking yourself “What’s the next action?” does the trick. And sometimes none of that stuff works. The Horizons of Focus So what do you do when you really can’t […]

Book Review: The Obstacle is The Way

Being productive doesn’t seem like it has much to do with philosophy, and sometimes philosophy seems like the opposite of productivity. Sitting around and debating arcane positions instead of getting up and getting work done are opposed in almost every regard. But with The Obstacle is The Way, author Ryan Holiday has written a book

Balancing the Life Side of Things

My wife and I watched the film “I Don’t Know How She Does It” (based on the book of the same name) earlier this week. It wasn’t exactly a great movie, but some of the messages in it have been swirling around in my head for the past couple of days. In the film, Kate

How to Do a Weekly Review in Todoist

“David Allen says that if you are not doing your weekly review, you are not doing GTD.” – Leo Babauta, Zen Habits Even though Leo Babauta (like me) doesn’t dive into GTD all that much anymore, he does offer the above quote that is incredibly valuable when it comes to adopting the systematic approach to

3 Things Worth Doing on Father’s Day

3 Things is a regular series that highlights three things you can do to overcome a challenge, enhance your productivity, and improve other aspects of your work and life. I’m a father. It’s the most important job that I have, and it’s one I enjoy more than any other. Sure, there are parts of the

A Brief Guide to Labels in Todoist

Todoist has been my task manager of choice for a few months now, and while I still find that I’m missing some features that would make it even better (URL schemes, Start Dates, etc.), I still find that it has a lot to offer that many task managers out there don’t. But perhaps the thing that I’ve found most appealing is the ability to use multiple labels for a task.

Book Review: How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big

  Of all the books I’ve read this year to date, How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life by Scott Adams has been the most surprising. Adams writes about productivity tips, failing, trying, and failing again (as well as professional and personal struggles). Simply put,

3 Things You Can Do To Consistently Deliver Great Work

3 Things is a weekly series that highlights three things you can do to overcome a challenge, enhance your productivity, and improve other aspects of your work and life. The reason any of us are trying to improve our productivity is to deliver the goods more consistently. By “the goods” I mean quality stuff. Delivering