
There Will Be Days

There will be days when you feel compelled to write at midnight because you have something important to say that goes well beyond journaling. There will be days when your system isn’t working at its best. There will be days when distractions, disruptions, and diversion get the better of you. There will be days when […]

How To Use The Action Method With Todoist

Behance’s popular Action Method online service shuttered on June 1st. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Action Method, here’s a brief rundown, courtesy of Lifehacker: “The Action Method proposes that you leave every event, whether it’s a meeting or a brainstorming session, with a set of concrete tasks you can perform, called

3 Things You Should Put On Your Calendar

The calendar can be a tricky beast. It’s designed in a way that makes it appealing to use for time management, but it’s not best suited for that. The calendar can be a tricky beast. It’s designed in a way that makes it appealing to use for time management, but it’s not best suited for that. With that in mind, here are 3 things that you actually should put on your calendar in order to make things happen on a regular basis

How I Work On Several Big Projects At Once

In the latest issue of the Productivityist Newsletter (which you can view here), I discussed how I was taking things to the next level. I’m in the midst of making some big changes here at Productivityist, but I’m also in the midst of working on several projects. And I’m working on them all at once.

The 7 iPhone Apps I Keep in My Travel Folder

There’s a reason I keep a folder called “Travel” on my iPhone. I like the ability to move it to the home screen, which is usually bereft of folders, whenever I go on a long trip away from home. I like that there are certain apps that resonate more with my on the road than

What You Need

I’m writing this as I prepare to head off on a week-long business trip, and it’s the first thing I’ve really written in the week leading up to this point. I’m not going to suggest that it hasn’t bothered me that I haven’t written in a while — it has. But it hasn’t bothered me

Book Review: What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast

I recently finished a second reading/listening of Laura Vanderkam’s What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast. I had listened to this audiobook once before and chose it again because it’s a short selection of advice and suggestions for not only a better morning, but a better anything. Mornings at our house have gotten to

3 Things Blinkist Does That Helps Me Get More Reading Done

While I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, I’m not averse to working towards making rituals and habits that will help me improve myself on a wide variety of levels. Over the past few years I’ve taken on the challenge of reading more. Not blog posts or magazine articles, but books. The biggest part of that challenge was finding ways to make it happen with as little friction as possible.

This year I discovered a service and app that has removed more friction than anything else: Blinkist.

Call For Help: The Verdict On A Month Of Virtual Assistance

In the final part of this four part series, I determine whether or not I deem the experiment a success, and what other findings I had along the way. I’ve recently wrapped up my month of virtual assistance, and along the way I learned a lot about what a VA can do for you…if you