
The Problem with Personal Planning

I’m all for planning. I’m really big on the whole “fail to plan, plan to fail” business. But there is one area of your life that people seem to plan that should be left as well enough alone as possible — or perhaps even eliminated: The Personal Category. Now I’m not suggesting that you don’t […]

IdeaWave Revisited: The Power of Paper

With Victoria’s IdeaWave conference set to hit the Ambrosia Conference & Event Centre this weekend (my talk is slated for Sunday afternoon), I thought it’d be a swell idea to revist my talk from last year called The Power of Paper. Below you’ll find my speaking notes from the talk, but before I get to

Stop Shipping Quantity…Start Crafting Quality

There’s such a thing as too much…of everything. Too much noise. Too much food. Too much thinking. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Except when we put it out there for everyone to see. Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter (and even the new kid on the block, Pinterest) thrive on the activity

The Adaptability of Asana vs. OmniFocus

In my short time with Asana, I’ve already found a few things that it handles better than OmniFocus – and I’m talking beyond the whole team collaboration thing here. It all has to do with adaptability.

Parallel / Series

People seem to avoid productivity systems because they don’t like systems. Because systems generally only work when you make sure that every part of it works. So if you’re “doing GTD”, then you need to do every part of it in order for it to be effective. And for GTD to be truly GTD, that


I’m taking a page from my wife today. She’s been posting on Facebook for pretty much every day a person for whom she wants to express gratitude towards. She got the idea from one of her friends (or a friend of a friend), and as I was reviewing old post from my old Tumblr blog

Talking is Not Dead

After a month of not recording a Talking is Dead podcast with Anthony Marco, we did so last night. So now I think it’s a monthly podcast. Maybe.

Goodbye Google: Getting Out of Gmail

After removing some of the smaller portions of Google from my Internet life last time, I thought I’d take on something a bit more challenging this time around: Gmail I knew that leaving Gmail was going to be really difficult. In fact, I’d say that it was going to be the hardest of the easiest

Enough – AsanaVaGun

I returned to the fantastic 70Decibels podcast known as Enough (starring Patrick Rhone and Myke Hurley) this week to talk about my recent shift to Asana as my task manager of choice, and then we see how far the three of us can go down the rabbit hole known as productivity apps. We also chat