
Enough – Duck Duck Google

A big thanks to Patrick Rhone and Myke Hurley for having me on another episode of the simply podtastic Enough show over at 70Decibels.1 I don’t want to spoil everything for you, but let’s just say I talk a little bit about my recent decision to bid Google as much of a farewell as possible. […]

My New Task Manager of Choice: Asana

I have had a long-standing productivity love affair with OmniFocus. But I’m spurning it for a new (and more suitable) tool: Asana. Yep, I’m removing everything from the app I’ve used for years and investing in one I’ve used for only a few months. Some people have called me crazy to do so, and even

More Roar: OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

So today, I woke up. And there was this: Looks almost like it should be called iOS X 10.8. And that’s not a bad thing. (via macstories and valonw)

Clearing the Air About Clear

Late last night my review for Clear from RealMac Software, Milen and Impending went online at Cult of Mac. I didn’t give it the rave reviews that others have been giving it (only 3 and a half stars out of 5), while others have given it a great deal of praise.

My Upcoming IdeaWave Talk: Mindfulness 2.0

Next weekend I’ll be speaking at IdeaWave, a cool little festival of ideas that I’ve had the pleasure of being part of since its inception. My talk — slated to be no longer than seven minutes — is going to be about Mindfulness 2.0. What exactly is Mindfulness 2.0? Well, you’ll have to come to

Happy Valentine’s Day!

The moral of the image… I’d like you to subscribe to this weblog. That way I can say that you’ll…be mine. Have a wonderful day/evening, whether this is your kind of day or not. It certainly is for me. Photo credit: Be Mine via Nina Matthews Photography (CC BY 2.0)

On transmission: GLOBAL SUMMIT 2012 [Review]

Yesterday I discussed one component of the transmission: GLOBAL SUMMIT that I attended last week, which allowed me to be somewhat of an onlooker. Today, I’m going to break down my experience as an active participant of the two-day event held here in Victoria, BC. In short: I was both inspired and awestruck. It was

The Mikes’ Awkward Journey to GTD

The latest episode of Mike on Mics is a bit of a revelation. Simply put, both Michael Schechter and yours truly do our best to chronicle what our paths to GTD looked like. Suffice to say, neither path was too similar, and we also dive into what path might be best for someone just getting

On transmission GLOBAL SUMMIT 2012: Innovation Camp

I spent the better part of last week as an attendee at transmission: GLOBAL SUMMIT 2012. Now that I’ve had a chance to process everything that went down during the event, I’ve got some thoughts I’d like to share with you, most notably regarding the latest addition to the summit: Innovation Camp.