Mode-Based Work

How I Get Writing Done

I’ve talked a lot about what tools I use to write, how I planned to write and things of that nature. This is an ongoing process for me, as priorities shift and new opportunities take hold. Still, it’s always fun – and a bit humbling – to go back and look at what I’ve said […]

Paper Covers…Everything

While I’ve invested heavily in OmniFocus on all of my platforms, there are times and situations where I shift gears to another trusted productivity app…of sorts. Paper. I have always been a fan of paper, and I’d be foolish to not have some form of paper product and a writing instrument with me at all

The Journey to Markdown: On the Workflow

In this, the penultimate post in my Journey to Markdown series, I’m going to get into how Markdown integrated with my writing workflow, and how I use the apps I’ve mentioned as part of my writing workflow now that Markdown is a part of it. My Mac Workflow I’m writing this piece in Byword, which

A Place of My Own: The Valden Project

I’d like my own personal house for writing. A place of my own. So My friends and I are going to build one. After putting it out to the Twitter as to whether or not going with an in-house office or one outside the walls of our house, the consensus was the latter. I’d already