Welcome Christian CEO Podcast listener!

Thanks for joining me on the Christian CEO Podcast!

I really enjoyed by discussion with Kelly and wanted to share this page with you so you can learn more about how I can help you move things forward!

Here are 3 things you can do starting today that will move you forward in ways that really matters:

  1. Start a journaling habit (what I call The Daily Log) today. You can do it in Evernote (multi-platform), Day One (Mac/iOS), Journey (Android), or on paper. But start today! Here are the reasons I journal every single day.
  2. Check out my blog post on choosing My 3 Words for 2017 and use it as fuel to come up with your own Three Words for the months ahead.
  3. Grab The Daily Driver below for FREE to help you live your days with less overwhelm and allow you give more attention to your daily intentions. (No email opt-in required.)

Thanks again for joining me on the Christian CEO Podcast…and thanks for stopping by. I hope you’ll join me here in the future.

Now here’s that freebie: the latest version of The Daily Driver. Enjoy!

– Mike Vardy

P.S. If you liked what you learned from me and want to keep up with my work, I’d love it if you subscribed to my ATTN: weekly email digest. When you sign up using the form below you’ll also get access to another FREE bonus I’m sharing with all subscribers.