The Importance Of Taking Part In Non-Tech Related Hobbies And Activities

Today’s guest post is by Kacey Mya. Kacey is a lifestyle blogger for “The Drifter Collective.”  She finds excitement in the world around her and this is portrayed through her visually pleasing, culturally embracing and inspiring posts. You can connect with Kacey on Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram.

 Today it seems most forms of entertainment involve turning on a screen and staring at it for hours at a time. However, when you make time for hobbies and activities that don’t involve technology, it can be really beneficial for your health and happiness. And when you’re happier and healthier, you’re also more productive. 

It may feel a little odd to turn off all of your screens and instead read a book or take a walk, but these activities can and will actually make you a more relaxed and content person overall. Here’s why doing something non-tech related is so important and some ideas to get started.

Lower Your Stress Levels

Nobody is shocked to learn that all of the technology around us makes us more stressed. It only makes sense. Smartphones and tablets make us reachable by anyone at anytime and anywhere. Days off from work no longer mean days off from work. You’ll probably still receive phone calls and emails that you’ll be expected to answer, so a day off from work really means working from somewhere else.

Friends and family expect you to answer your phone when they need something. No matter where you go or what you do, you can be bothered by somebody else who needs you to do something for them. There’s no such thing as “me time.” Unless you turn off your devices.

When you turn off your phone, nobody can reach you. They’ll try, but you won’t be around to answer them. Sometimes this is a really good thing. Unplugging like this lifts a weight off your shoulders that you might not even know is there. You’ll be able to do something for yourself without constantly waiting for a buzz from your phone and looking at your screen.

While you might enjoy playing games on your phone, watching shows or browsing through social media, taking some time to turn off your phone and step away is so beneficial. So, when you feel like browsing on your phone, put it away. Pick up a book. If it’s nice out, take a walk outside. Grab a friend and go to dinner, no phones allowed. This may be scary the first time you try it, but you’ll love the feeling you get when you don’t have to be attached to your technology.

Bond with Others

Sure, social media and texting helps people stay in touch who may otherwise never speak to each other. But sometimes, it’s better to actually talk face-to-face with friends and loved ones instead of messaging them or liking their posts.

There are many activities that do not involve technology at all. For instance, get a group of friends together to participate in a community event. Most neighborhoods and towns have a lot of events that are open to the public that people just don’t know about.

Find your local community’s website or social media page to find out about the various events you can attend. Then choose one and go! You’ll meet new people who live in your area, and you’ll participate in something fun instead of just watching Netflix. Many communities even have clean-up events, food and clothing drives and other volunteer opportunities that can build your resume and make you feel great.

Expand Your Horizons

TV shows, movies and social media pages do sometimes offer interesting viewpoints on current events,  but there’s nothing like getting out there and trying something out instead of watching it or reading about it.

Instead of reading about local politics, attend the next town meeting. Instead of watching videos of other people making delicious food, get out a cookbook and make something yourself. Try a new craft or host a craft night with your friends.

Visit a museum and learn something new. That may even start a new hobby, like collecting stamps. More than five million people collect stamps in the United States, and there are specific museums all around the world just displaying stamps. There are all kinds of interesting niche hobbies that might just catch your attention and introduce you to a whole new world.

 Give yourself a break from the constant hustle and bustle. I’m willing to bet you’ll find you are more fulfilled and even more productive.

Do you have any non-tech related hobbies? If so, please share in the comments. (If you don’t, what is a non-tech related hobby you’d like to try?)