Search Results for: gtd

The Midweek Manifesto: A Weekly Reality Check That Works

Back in 2010, I penned something I called The Midweek Manifesto. I didn’t dive into what it meant all that much back then. I simply wrote it and posted it. But as the conventional work week comes to a close here, I felt it was time to revisit its origin and meaning. Not just for […]

The Evolution of Contexts

My podcasting partner-in-crime Michael Schechter posed this challenge to me on Twitter: That was quite the challenge, but I took it. After that exchange, I saw a flurry of follow-up activity that was great to see. Several people had their own thoughts on what contexts were (and weren’t) and Schechter joined the fray with his

Productivityist Workshop Survey – HRG

Productivityist Workshop Survey Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out this Productivityist Workshop Survey. I’ll use your responses to make all facets of your upcoming Productivityist Workshop as specific to you and your organization’s needs as possible, and everything you write will be completely confidential and anonymous. (Note: Every question marked

Welcome DEG Consulting Readers!

Welcome DEG Consulting Readers! Thank you for clicking through and checking out what we have to offer at Productivityist. Productivityist is a company dedicated to helping people get more out of their work and their lives. Our goal is to focus on practical and mindful approaches to productivity so that you can spend more time

Productivity Workshop – CFMWS 2014

CFMWS Productivity Workshop: The Resource Page This page features some elements of the workshop given in May 2014, including relevant links and resources you’ll want to explore further in order to take your effectiveness and efficiency to new heights. This is a living document, meaning that this page will be updated frequently (including the addition

Session Notes: How to Avoid Busy-Work Both Online and Offline

In this session, I discuss how to do your best to achieve that ever-elusive balance that we are all seeking. From how to handle social media, how to get more out of your day by adopting the mentality of a “productivityist”, and how to throw convention out the window when you need to. I offer

Why The Approach is More Important Than The Application

“What task management/to-do list app should I use?” I get asked this question a lot. Here’s my answer, every time: “I don’t know.” There is no shortage of to-do list and task management apps to choose from, no matter the platform you’re using. But that’s not why I’ve never come out and said that any

How to Make Monday Work for You

There are very few things more daunting than Mondays. You’ve just come off of a weekend where you were able to relax and get some much-needed downtime…and now that Monday has arrived all of that is over. Mondays may not be the best day of the week, but they don’t have to be unbearable. It’s

What’s The Next Horizon?

We all get stuck. Sometimes using apps like Unstuck help this “state of stuck” last only for a short while. Sometimes meditation and exercise works. Sometimes asking yourself “What’s the next action?” does the trick. And sometimes none of that stuff works. The Horizons of Focus So what do you do when you really can’t

How to Do a Weekly Review in Todoist

“David Allen says that if you are not doing your weekly review, you are not doing GTD.” – Leo Babauta, Zen Habits Even though Leo Babauta (like me) doesn’t dive into GTD all that much anymore, he does offer the above quote that is incredibly valuable when it comes to adopting the systematic approach to