
The Benefits of Journaling for Time Management and Productivity

Journaling can offer numerous benefits for your relationship with time and overall productivity. From improved mental clarity and increased creativity to better time management and increased productivity, there are many reasons to start journaling today.

2023: My Year in Preview

I’m cheating a bit with this. Why? Because I’ve already started my 2023. In fact, I’m a full three months in as I write this. You see,  I mirror my year with my kids’ school year. That means that I start in September and end it in August. And I typically slow down for July

Episode 456: Marie Poulin talks about Notion

In this episode, Marie Poulin suggests how to use Notion to its best potential. We discuss the idea of journaling, the importance of systems, tracking your habits, and so much more. I can’t believe it took me this long to get Marie to be on the show and it was a delightful conversation with a fellow Canadian!

2022: My “Year” in Review

New Year’s Day hits different for me, not just in 2022. Mainly because it hits me on a different day altogether. For many years now, I’ve followed the school year that my kids follow as my yearly markers. So September 1st is when I officially start my year, affectionately known as my NOW Year (an