time management

How to Conquer the Day

“Cope with what you can’t control. Command what you can control. That’s how you conquer the day.”

This simple yet profound idea invites us to reflect on the nature of control, how it affects our well-being, and how we can better manage our emotions and decisions in a world filled with uncertainties. By understanding the distinction between what we can and cannot control, we can truly conquer each day with grace and purpose.

Beyond Work-Life Balance: The Pursuit of Wholeness in a Fragmented World

I’ve spent years advocating for productivity and efficient time management. I’ve seen countless articles and discussions about the elusive concept of “work-life balance.” Today, I want to challenge that paradigm and propose a new way of thinking: we should stop striving for work-life balance and simply shoot for balance instead.

Why Improving Your Relationship with Time is the Key to Mastering It

I’ve spent years exploring the intricacies of time management. I’ve tried and tested countless techniques and strategies to help people make the most of their days. And what I’ve discovered is that we need to shift our mindset from “managing” time to “mastering” it. The secret lies in improving our relationship with time itself.

Why an “Overly Specific Calendar” Can Hold You Back

On the surface, it seems logical to be specific when it comes to scheduling every minute of our day. After all, we cannot manage what we don’t measure. However, there are risks associated with having an overly specific calendar.

20 Things You Can Do Before Bed to Give You a Jump on Tomorrow

I’ve made no secret about my night owl tendencies. But whether you’re a night owl like me or not, it’s important to begin your day before bed.

Not sure what you can do to make that happen?

Well, these 20 tips are perfect for anyone who wants to start their day feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to tackle whatever comes their way.

How to Take a “Time Tour”

Too often, we get caught up in the daily grind of our lives and we forget to take a step back and really examine how we’re spending our time. We go through the motions: ticking things off our to-do lists, taking meetings, going to appointments on our calendar. But we don’t stop to ask ourselves if we’re really making the most of the precious hours we have each day.

That’s where taking a “time tour” comes in.