The Big Ready


For the first (and possibly only) time this event will be viewed and experienced LIVE, from not only Mike Vardy’s study but from the homes of productivity experts across the world in this exclusive virtual event!


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Yes, it’s true…

On February 2nd, the creator of TimeCrafting and “The Productivityist” himself, Mike Vardy (as well as MANY other highly productive, motivated, and successful individuals) are going to teach you LIVE how to significantly scale back the endless emails, bottomless to-do lists, and constant overwhelm from simply having too much to do!

And, thanks to this possibly once-only virtual event – anyone, including you, can participate and turn 2021 into your strongest year ever.

IMPORTANT: Yes, this event is virtual. But don’t let that fool you! You’ll be hearing from four inspiring keynote speakers, engaging with four unique workshops, and participating with twelve of our captivating panel discussion members as well!

And it’s no exaggeration to say that at this once-a-year event, Mike Vardy and The BIG Ready 2021 “productivity crew” will reveal a whole slew of success secrets you need to transform your life forever.

So if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work you have (whether from your job, busy-ness at home, or otherwise) and ever worry if you’ll even get it all done tomorrow then The BIG Ready 2021 expert lineup will give you the tools you need for the most focused, clear, and productive year of your life.

Meet Your Hosts

You’ve got two important people to thank for this year’s The BIG Ready 2021 event. And you can bet after successfully running last year’s The BIG Ready, they’ve brought their “A” game and are knock this event out of the park!

Mike Vardy

Mike Vardy – also known as “The Productivityist”, is a highly-acclaimed productivity strategist and the creator of the productivity framework known as TimeCrafting. He’s considered to be one of the top thought leaders in the personal productivity space, with over a decade of expertise under his belt.

His work has been featured in Lifehacker, Fast Company, HuffPost, Inc., and Forbes. Vardy is a renowned international speaker and has taught productivity practices on CreativeLive, Skillshare, and LinkedIn Learning where his courses are among the most popular in the business category. He also hosts The Productivityist Podcast, which has been downloaded over 5 million times.

Vanessa Tharp

Vanessa Tharp is a change maker and action taker. She makes things happen and is the Chief of Staff at Productivityist. She works as an experience designer, event planner and community builder. She also works as a strategic planner and accountability coach and has a knack for giving business owners a “magic wand” that eliminates overwhelm and confusion from their lives forever.

And as someone dubbed a super-connector, she brings energy and enthusiasm that are absolutely contagious. As this year’s co-host of The BIG Ready, she’ll be bringing this amazing energy to the event and will make sure your experience is positive, motivating, and exciting as well.

The Keynote Speakers

Let’s kick things off by introducing some amazing guests who are going to inspire you with their unique insights and ideas about achieving more while doing less, getting clarity and strategy to effortlessly move forward with your year, and flat-out making sure your life is under control. These speakers have been on the stage all over the world and are raring to show you how to thrive in 2021 and beyond.

Janet Murray

Janet Murray is no amateur and even trains hundreds of up-and-coming digital business owners each week in the art of setting goals, getting motivated, and accomplishing tasks in record time. She’s spoken at several high-profile events and has spread her sought-after success secrets in places like Boston, Nashville, and even London. Even if you don’t run your own online business, after hearing from Janet, expect your 2021 year productivity strategy to bring you more confidence and success than ever.

Charlie Gilkey

Charlie Gilkey helps people start finishing the stuff that matters. He’s the founder of Productive Flourishing, and also authored the books “Start Finishing,” and “The Small Business Lifecycle.” And to top things off, he’s also the host of the “Productive Flourishing” podcast. His aim is to make sure you prosper in your own life, so if you’re the type that struggles to finish what you start, you don’t want to miss out on hearing from Charlie Gilkey.

Srinivas Rao

Srinivas Rao is the host and founder of the Unmistakable Creative podcast, where he’s interviewed more than 1000 people ranging from bank robbers to billionaires. Guests have included Glenn Beck, Tim Ferriss, Seth Godin, and 100’s of others as well. And his self-published book “The Art of Being Unmistakable” was a Wall Street Journal bestseller. Srinivas’s goal is to help add creativity and liveliness back into your life. And if that’s something you find missing from your own… Srinivas is the man you need to hear from.

Mike Vardy

Mike Vardy himself will be closing out The BIG Ready 2021. He’s a seasoned and entertaining speaker so you can be sure it’ll leave you inspired and prepared for the best 2021 year you can imagine.

(Spoiler Alert: He’s going to infuse one of his other passions into his closing keynote talk at The BIG Ready 2021.)

Click here to reserve your spot at The BIG Ready 2021!

The Workshop Teachers

These workshop teachers will be showing you specific strategies aimed at helping you step back from all the craziness in life, so you can see it more clearly and calmly. You’ll also get a glimpse into how to set goals “correctly” for a better and more successful 2021 year. And you’ll even discover how to turn the most boring or stressful work environments into fun and engaging ones instead.

But don’t think you’ll be just sitting back and passively listening to some teacher droning on. You’re encouraged to participate in these workshops and really turn them into an interactive experience, on par with what you’d do in a person-to-person event.

Stephen Warley

Stephen Warley boldly claims that the whole “work” system is broken… and it’s his job to show you what to do about it. And after 20 years in the solopreneur trenches, he knows the ins n’ outs of creating a “lifestyle” business that feels like “you…” and that means your values, feelings, and work are all in perfect alignment. And going into your 2021 year, don’t you think that’d be the perfect way to start things off?

Gary Ware

Gary spent 14 years in the corporate world holding multiple leadership positions. But what’s unique about him is his nearly decade long experience as an improv performer. And after experiencing burnout in his corporate pursuit of success and happiness, he realized what was missing was something found in his vast improv experience – play.

Now, Gary uses the power of applied improvisation and other playful methods to assist people in unlocking creativity, confidence, and better communication.

And when Gary isn’t leading workshops or speaking, you can find him learning magic or off on an adventure with his wife, Courtney, and son, Garrett

Mridu Parikh

If the idea of whittling down a huge to-do list into just a few clear, simple, tasks appeals to you… Mridu (pronounced Mri-thu) Parkikh is your go-to girl. She’s the #1 bestselling author of the book, “Accomplish It,” host of the podcast “Productivity on Purpose,” and an expert at helping professionals with lives so demanding that it makes them want to tear their hair out. Expect her lessons to leave you feeling crystal clear and organized as you go deeper into 2021.

Vicki McLeod & Angela Crocker

Angela Crocker is returning to The BIG Ready this year – this time as a workshop facilitator! Her bestselling books include “Digital Life Skills for Youth,” “Declutter Your Data,” and “Digital Legacy Plan,” co-written with Vicki McLeod. Angela’s definitely someone you’ll want to hear from if you use apps to keep your life together… and plan on doing so in 2021.

Vicki McLeod is a writer, coach, and award-winning entrepreneur. She is the author of several books that explore being fully human in a technical world. These include: “Effective Communication at Work,” “You and the Internet of Things,” and “Digital Legacy Plan,” co-authored with Angela Crocker. As an expert in digital tools and living, she’s definitely a must-see person if it ever feels like your apps are in control of you (rather than you being in control of them).

Click here to reserve your spot at The BIG Ready 2021!

The Panel Discussions Lineup

This is a special part of BIG Ready 2021, because it’s where you get to participate in events as well. There’ll be five different panel presentations where you’ll hear and engage in high-level productivity conversations.

The best part? You’ll be able to ask these experts any questions you want about productivity topics as well. And to put things in perspective – most people will pay hundreds or more to ask some of these experts for their advice (even just one time). But you’ll be able to ask multiple pros your most burning questions during these discussions – without spending an extra dime.

Panel Discussion #1: Community

In many ways, you’re only as capable as the people around you.

Listen in on this panel to learn how to surround yourself with a group that encourages your success and motivates you. After all, it’s a big mistake to “go it alone” as you pursue your biggest goals – because you need the right support to carry you through the bumps in the road.

And this panel will make sure only the most productive of people will join you on your journey to success.

Kaycee Bowen

Kaycee Bowen has been a virtual assistant for 4+ years and has built her own coaching/mentoring business for people who are wanting to become VA’s or are looking to scale their existing VA business. 

Her specialities are in podcast assisting, production management, event planning, and community management and she works alongside amazing podcasts & businesses such as Extra Pack of Peanuts, Zero To Travel, Location Indie, Counterweight Creative, and Lovely Day Strategy.

DJ Ramirez

DJ Ramirez is a creative director, designer and dad hailing from Boise, Idaho. He is currently the creative director for @artofvisuals one of the biggest photography communities in the world. He works daily on campaigns for Sony, Intel, Adorama, and more – doing everything from UX design to full scale video production.

Travis Sherry

After being a high school teacher for 3 years and not able to fathom how he could do it for 27 more, Trav decided to become an entrepreneur. After some tough years, he eventually figured out a system that worked and has allowed him to reach the Triangle of Freedom (time, financial, and location independence).

When not coaching others how to reach the Triangle of Freedom, you can find Trav playing with his two kids, watching the Eagles and the Sixers, and (unsuccessfully) trying to surf.

Vanessa Tharp

Vanessa Tharp is the Chief of Staff at Productivityist. She works as an experience designer, event planner and community builder. She also works as a strategic planner and accountability coach… and has a knack for giving business owners a “magic wand” that eliminates overwhelm and confusion from their lives forever.

Panel Discussion #2: Time & Task Tracking

When done right, tracking your time and tasks can shave hours out of your work week. And you can put those extra hours to recreational activities, family bonding, fulfilling hobbies, and anything else you want.

Hear what our experts have to say about this topic. And afterward, you’re likely to have more time this year to do those tasks that you need and want to get done!

Matt Ragland

In our digital world, it’s rare to run into somebody who specializes in “paper productivity.” But that’s exactly what Matt Ragland does! From getting higher creativity, achieving better “flow,” and becoming less distracted… Matt makes non-digital productivity a powerful method for clearer, less-stressful, and more achievable 2021 goals than you might expect.

If you can’t get away from your paper and pen, then Matt Ragland is your man!

Devin Ambron

If you’ve ever felt that some productivity tactics just don’t jive with how you do things, Devon Ambron can tell you why. Devon is a staunch proponent of the idea that your personality has a huge impact on your productivity. And if you don’t understand this “productivity type,” you’re going to struggle to chip away at to-do lists and your stress will remain ever-present.

You should absolutely be excited that Devin’s appearing at The BIG Ready because you’ll definitely learn a thing or two from him. And when you do I suspect your 2021 year will MUCH better!

Laura Vanderkam

Did your 2020 year feel both more stressful and less accomplished? Laura Vanderkam is a time-management expert who can make that a thing of the past. Not only did she give a TED talk on figuring out where your time actually goes (hint – it ends up used on frivolous things you wouldn’t notice till pointed out), she’s also an author, and wrote the book, “Off the Clock: Feel Less Busy While Getting More Things Done.” Laura’s the gal you need to hear from if you want to go into the 2021 year with less stress, less work, and far more accomplishment then any year before it.

Chris Bailey

Not many people are willing to become a productivity “guinea pig,” but Chris Bailey is! He’s tried working 90-hour workweeks… he’s meditated for 35 hours in a week… and he’s binge watched Netflix for a month straight for (ahem), “productivity” purposes.

Chris is the international bestselling author of “The Productivity Project” and “Hyperfocus: How to Be More Productive in a World of Distraction.” This is a man who truly embodies the world of productivity, and a single session from him is certain to make your 2021 year the most focused and accomplished it’s ever been.

Panel Discussion #3: Communication

Communication is such a key to all of our lives and the success we have. Yet, it’s something that many of us struggle with in one way or another. Throw in the amount of emails, DMs, texts, and Zoom calls we are all on, the way we communicate has changed as well. It’s clearly a huge advantage if you can master simple and clear communication skills, ultimately leading to you increasing your productivity and overall happiness and success. 

This is a must-hear discussion if you’ve ever had a misunderstanding that created more work for you and wasted your precious time.

Dave Delaney

Dave Delaney is an author, corporate trainer, and keynote speaker known as a “communication connoisseur.” He’s worked with brands like Google, FedEx, and UPS. He’s even appeared in USA Today, Entrepreneur, Inc, and Billboard Magazine. His acclaimed book, “New Business Networking,” explores tips and techniques to grow and nurture your profession by communicating the “nice way.” If you’ve experienced bad communication at work, and even had it create frustration and cause extra work land in your lap, Dave is here to make sure your 2021 never has to deal with that again.

Jenna Britton

Jenna Britton is a clarity coach and writer living in Portland, Oregon. She uses Human Design to help folx identify who and how they’re designed to be, illuminating the authentic ways they can show up in work, relationships, their purpose, and more. Jenna’s writing has been published in Salon, Thought Catalog, Darling Magazine, The Everygirl, and more. In 2016, she also gave a TEDx Talk on how story has the power to change your life. She shares stories through a weekly email called the Sunday Night Newsletter.

Russel Lolacher

Russel Lolacher is all about meaningful, effective communication at the workplace. With his unique “Doing More with L.E.S.” method and focus on Relationships at Work, he’s had an amazing career in leadership roles in industries such as public service, broadcasting, change management, and even voice acting. Recently named ICMI’s Top 25 Thought Leader for 2021, and recognized as an expert by Microsoft, Forbes and Hootsuite. This is your guy if subpar relationships with coworkers ever create friction in your ability to get tasks done quickly, easily, and on time. We’re stoked that Russel is returning to join us at The BIG Ready 2021!

Therese Huston

Therese Huston, Ph.D., is the author of the new book, Let’s Talk: Make Effective Feedback Your Superpower (Portfolio / Penguin).

Huston was the founding director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Seattle University, and she gives talks and consults on how to both give and solicit better feedback at work.  Let’s Talk: Make Effective Feedback Your Superpower is her third book.

Panel Discussion #4: Simplicity

The concept of minimalism and living simply is something that has been discussed for years – both online and offline. But do you really know how to make minimalism and simplicity work for you?

This panel features people that are passionate about simplicity, whether it be in the tools they use to foster simplicity in their lives or through the art of addition through subtraction. If you want to embrace simplicity in the months ahead then you “simply” don’t want to miss this discussion.

Anthony Ongaro

Do you ever pull out your phone when you feel uncomfortable or bored? Then Anthony is the man you need to hear from. He knows exactly how to defeat this “Twitch” we all have, and even did a Ted talk detailing his eerily close-to-home experience of spending tons of cash buying items online that he didn’t need or use 90% of the time. So if you’ve ever succumbed to Youtube… Netflix… social media… or needless spending online (instead of working on important goals)… you aren’t going to want to miss out on Anthony’s part.

Scott Friesen

Scott Friesen is a productivity specialist and founder of Simpletivity training and consulting. He is also a prolific public speaker, YouTuber, and time management coach. Scott helps people to focus more time on what they want to get done and to experience less stress by simplifying their workday.

Patrick Rhone

Patrick Rhone is a writer, technology consultant, and author of six books. But where he really shines is his expertise on simplicity and mindfulness. He even spoke at an event called Simple REV, which was dedicated to promoting simplicity in all its forms. So he’s definitely an expert in taking a frazzled life and infusing clarity, calmness, and focus into it instead. If you’re the type that gets lost in the busy-ness of life, and forget to actually “live” sometimes… Patrick is someone you’re going to want to hear from as your 2021 year gets underway.

Courtney Carver

When life asks “more, more, more” from you, Courtney shows you how to reign it all in. She’s been featured in The Oprah Magazine, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and much more as well. And now, she wants to share her deepest secrets on simplicity with you, so you can have a stress-free 2021 year.

Panel Discussion #5: Retreats

One of the biggest mistakes we see are people relentlessly powering through task lists for weeks or months on end without taking a step back to pause and reflect, a time to pay attention to what’s going on in their lives.

Beyond just burnout, this creates a frenzied lifestyle where you actually miss out on some of the most important parts of life. And that creates a problem, because part of productivity is knowing when to stop, look, and listen to your experiences and then take the next steps with clear eyes and perhaps a shifted focus.

It might be hard to slow down like this, but when done right, it recharges your body and mind in such a way that your productivity soars afterward.

Find out the key methods to “retreating” from this enlightening panel discussion. And you’ll find your 2021 year will have more clarity and leave you feeling more refreshed than you could have ever imagined.

David Sparks

Nobody takes the “work” out of “work” like David Sparks and his podcast, “Automators – Automation for the people,” where he shows you how to use software to handle all those tedious online tasks that could be done, well, automatically! Not only that, he co-hosts the podcast “Focused,” where he shows you exactly what focus boosting methods work (and don’t work) for him. Don’t be surprised when you find yourself armed with tools that’ll make your 2021 year far smoother and easier than any before it.

Mike Schmitz

It’s easy to get lost in a maze of emails and to-do lists, and forget why you’re even doing it at all. Luckily, Mike Schmitz takes a faith-based approach to productivity and helps people “connect to their calling, discover their destiny, and live the life they were created for.”

Religious or not, you’re sure to be brimming with purpose and direction going into your 2021 year after hearing what Mike has to say about it.

Jake Kahana

Jake Kahana is a designer and entrepreneur. He is a cofounder of Caveday, which has helped individuals and teams transform their relationship to work. Together, they’ve led 50,000+ hours of deep work “in The Cave.” He’s also a founding US faculty member with The School of Life, where he teaches workshops in emotional intelligence for corporate teams.

He lives in Jersey City with his wife and daughter. 

Marli Williams

Marli Williams is a transformational facilitator and international motivational speaker. Her mission in life is to inspire and empower leaders to get out of their own way so they can go from stuck to STOKED! She does this through energizing presentations, rejuvenating retreats, dynamic programs, intentional workshops and transformational coaching. She is also the Founder and Director of Camp Yes, the only adult summer camp in the pacific northwest for women entrepreneurs, leaders and change-makers.

Click here to reserve your spot at The BIG Ready 2021!

The BIG Ready 2021 features a whopping 29(!) presenters in all. It’s a truly incredible lineup.

But to add even more sizzle to the mix, there’s going to be some special bonuses for participants as well.

Bonus #1
All BIG Ready Virtual-Event Recordings Will Be Available to Watch At Your Leisure

There’s no replacement for attending the event live… but since all the material will be so valuable, you’ll want to watch it multiple times to really let the message sink in.

And that’s because these trade-secret productivity tactics will mean the difference between restless, anxiety-riddled nights from overwork… and a relaxed, confident attitude as you easily (and smoothly) get all your tasks done in 2021.

So with this, you’ll be able to sit back, grab a drink, and comfortably watch these BIG Ready recordings whenever you want.

Bonus #2
Exclusive Access to a Brand New 2021 Facebook Community

If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, get all your work done more easily, and extinguish overwhelm forever… join others.

And the more like-minded they are, the better.

Anybody who attends the BIG Ready 2021 will be invited to join a new Facebook group to support their motivation and goals for the new year. On top of which, you’ll be given early notice on all the latest Productivityist offerings, and always be up to date on the latest going-ons as well.

And as you’ll see, we’ve got some BIG plans for our community this year. And you won’t want to miss out on what we’ve got in store for you!

Bonus #3
Day One Pre-Event Connections & Networking Party

Just like an in-person event, you’ll have the opportunity to chat with Mike and Vanessa themselves at this pre-event party.

It’s a great chance to connect and really get to know each other, have some drinks (of your own choosing of course), and get excited about all the speakers, workshops, and panel discussions you’re about to participate in.

Speaking of which, we’ve invited all BIG Ready lineup members to this event as well. And while we can’t guarantee they’ll all be there… it’s certainly something to hope for!

Bonus #4
Night Owl Co-Working Session – Midnight Momentum (Hosted By Mike Vardy)

Self-proclaimed “night owl” Mike Vardy will help you kick off your 2021 year with this one-time work arrangement.

The idea behind this is to have a session that will take place in the wee hours of the evening to support fellow night owls like him. It’ll be a come-and-go session that you’ll be part of, mainly for fellow night owls to band together to do some focused work.

This is perfect for you to put those BIG Ready insights and tips into action right away.

Bonus #5
After-Party Virtual Happy Hour With Entertainment

The best way to end a big event like this is with an after-party, of course!

The specifics are still in the works. But you can be sure we’re considering a variety of fun things like improv, comics, magicians, DJ’s, a “hot tub” party, cocktail-making and more.

Again, no promises yet! But clearly whatever we decide on will be fun and exciting no matter what.

Bonus #6
A Surprise “SWAG Bag” of our Favorite Goodies

And for those who are quick on the trigger… the first 100 ticket buyers will get a physical gift bag sent directly to their home to enjoy mementos of The BIG Ready 2021 event.

Without giving away the details, every item in this secret gift bag will contribute to a productive 2021 year. Mike and Vanessa have personally selected each and every item, and you can be sure that each one is something that will delight and remind you… that you took the time and energy to contribute to your best year ever.

Okay, so here’s what you’ve got to do now…

  1. Register for your spot at the BIG Ready 2021 event today (just click the link below to do so)
  2. Wait for your FREE “SWAG bag” to show up in front of your door (sign up fast to be one of the only 100 to get this)
  3. Join us on the evening of Day 1 of February 1st, and all day on Day 2 of February 2nd. (And for you lucky VIP ticket holders, show up on Saturday, February 6th for the exclusive workshop!)
  4. Finally, enjoy all the sweet bonuses that come with BIG Ready 2021!

The VIP Workshop with Mike Vardy

This is a chance to join Mike Vardy in an extra day of unique training to boost your 2021 accomplishments. 

Here’s the scoop – on Saturday, February 6th, Mike’s got an amazing 4-hour workshop for VIP ticket holders only.

In that workshop, you’ll discover how to take all your 2021 goals and intentions and transform them into an actionable plan for the months ahead. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to “frame” them in such a way, that they only require your minimal attention when you need (and want) to act on them.

In a nutshell, that means you’ll have more goal-achievement and less headaches this 2021 year!

This is the perfect compliment to The Big Ready 2021, which we’ve designed to motivate and inspire you… while the VIP experience is structured in a way to get you to take action on an ongoing basis.

You’ll get access to everything The BIG Ready 2021 has to offer PLUS this exclusive workshop for just $299.

Note: There will be a limit to the attendees who can join this workshop. That way, Mike can make sure he gives the participants the best “hands on” training possible. 

This is the closest you can get to working with Mike one-on-one to level up your productivity and performance. In fact, it usually costs 5x what the VIP ticket costs itself to work with Mike directly… 

Since this is a chance you can’t miss out on, don’t wait to sign up because there’s only enough space for a small number of VIP members to join.

Just click on the button below and be sure to select The BIG Ready VIP at $299 when purchasing.

Click here to reserve your spot at The BIG Ready 2021!

Check out the praise for last year’s edition of The BIG Ready

“I loved this event, one of the best ones I’ve been to and I’ve been to a fair number of these kind of events. Very original, thought provoking and inspiring content which has left a lasting impression and has really touched me in a meaningful way. Thank you very much. Can’t wait for more in the future.”

“Really well-run event; one of the best I’ve been to. Excellent quality of speakers. So grateful to be a part of it. Would recommend future events to anyone and everyone – thanks Mike and Vanessa!”

“I had a great experience at The BIG Ready . I enjoyed the talks and met some amazing people. I look forward to the next one!”

The Schedule

Note: All times are Pacific Standard Time. Times are subject to change.

Monday, February 1

6:00PM – 8:00PM
Opening Night Party

Tuesday February 2

Welcome with Mike Vardy + Vanessa Tharp

9:15AM – 9:45 AM
Keynote: Janet Murray

10:00AM – 10:45 AM
Community Conversation Panel: Vanessa Tharp, Kaycee Bowen, Travis Sherry, and DJ Ramirez

10:50AM – 11:30 AM
Workshop: Practicing Reflection with Stephen Warley
Panel: Time and Task Tracking with Matt Ragland, Laura Vanderkam, Chris Bailey, and Devin Ambron

11:35AM – 12:15PM
Workshop: How to Find Time for What Matters Most with Mridu Parikh
Panel: Communication with Dave Delaney, Russel Lolacher, Therese Huston, and Jenna Britton

12:20PM – 12:50PM
Keynote: Charlie Gilkey

1:00PM – 2:00PM
Lunch and Optional Connection and Community Building Sessions

2:00PM – 2:30PM
Keynote: Srinivas Rao

2:35PM- 3:15PM
Workshop: The Productive Power of Play with Gary Ware
Panel: Simplicity with Anthony Ongaro, Patrick Rhone, Courtney Carver, and Scott Friesen

3:20PM – 4:00PM
Workshop: Planning Your Digital Legacy with Angela Crocker and Vicki McLeod
Panel: Retreats with David Sparks, Marli Williams, Jake Kahana, and Mike Schmitz 

4:05PM – 4:35PM
Keynote: Mike Vardy

4:35PM – 4:45PM
Closing Thoughts with Vanessa + Mike

4:45PM – 6:00PM
The BIG Ready AfterParty

9:00PM – 12:00AM
Midnight Momentum Virtual Session with Mike Vardy

Saturday, February 6 (VIP)

9:00AM – 1:00PM
Exclusive VIP TimeCrafting Workshop with Mike Vardy


When will I get access to all of the recordings?

We are going to edit and polish up the content, so you will receive access to all of the recordings within 30 days of the end of The BIG Ready.

When will I get information on how to watch the event live?

We will be presenting The BIG Ready using Zoom and you will receive all of the details in the days leading up to the event. We will place information in Gumroad (where all of the materials and resources are stored) and you will receive emails from us as well. In addition, plenty of updates will be happening in the private Facebook group we’ve set up. You’ll get access to that group once you purchase a ticket to The BIG Ready, provided you ask to join using the link in your purchase confirmation.

Can I upgrade to a VIP ticket?

Yes! As long as there are slots available, you can upgrade from a $99 ticket to a $299 VIP ticket. Simply email with your name and email address you used to purchase your ticket and we will send you a discount code to upgrade your ticket.

The Decision

We really can’t stress enough how excited we are bringing this many productivity experts together under one virtual roof. 2020 was a rough year for many and threw many people for a loop.

But now there’s a great opportunity to shed the challenging experiences of the last year, and go into 2021 with clarity, focus, confidence, and a set of strategies that guarantee an amazing new year that surpasses all the ones before it.

We can’t wait to see you there.

– Mike + Vanessa 

P.S. We mentioned there was a BIG Ready bonus for “quickness.” So remember, make sure to register asap to get your FREE “SWAG bag” mailed to your doorstep – because only the first 100 people to sign up for BIG Ready 2021 will get it. We’ve already sent a few out… and once they’re gone, they’re gone. So don’t wait and register for BIG Ready 2021 today!

Click here to reserve your spot at The BIG Ready 2021!