Call For Help: A Month Of Virtual Assistance

“Humble people ask for help.” – Joyce Meyer

It’s time. In fact, it’s probably long past time. I’m hiring a virtual assistant to help me out with a myriad of my tasks. But rather than keep the process under wraps, I’m taking a page from Austin Kleon’s new book Show Your Work and am going to share it with you. After all, you may be thinking about pulling the trigger and if I can help you with that through this experiment then we both win.

Here’s how this series is going to work…

Week One

In the first post in the series, I’m going to research some virtual assistant resources to decide which one is the best fit for me. I’ve been keeping my eye on the resources Chris Ducker has been offering surrounding the launch of his upcoming book Virtual Freedom and am using them in conjunction with what others have done (Michael Hyatt, Craig Jarrow, etc.) to help me come to this decision.

Week Two/Week Three

I’ll chronicle the progress of the experiment in these two posts in the series, broken up into the first two weeks and the last two weeks of the experiment. I’ll list off what activities my virtual assistant took care of, what I was willing (and not willing) to hand off to them, and what the impact of each decision I made revolving around this experiment was. These are going to be fairly length reads, but they’ll give you a lot of insight on what it’s like to have a virtual assistant taking care of certain things for you.

Week Four

In the final post in the series, I’ll offer up my final thoughts on how the whole month with virtual assistance went and whether or not I plan on continuing on as-is or make significant changes in one form or another. I’ll provide an overview of what worked well, what didn’t work so well, and provide a plan of action for anyone thinking about bringing on a virtual assistant themselves.

I will publish my findings over the next few weeks, taking a break for a week during the middle of the series in order to make sure I’ve had time to properly assess my findings.

In the meantime, I’d love to hear your thoughts on hiring a virtual assistant. Have you done it? Would you do it? What has your experience been if you have hired one? Sound off in the comments below.

Photo credit: translator via SXC.HU